1. ಮೆೞ್ಕು

    ♪ mełku
    1. to apply gently the sandal paste or any unguent on the body of another or oneself.
    2. to be destroyed, demolished completely.
  2. ಮೞಿಗೆ

    ♪ małig3
    1. a room, building, temporary construction where goods are sold; a shop; a stall.
    2. a room or building where goods are stored; a storeroom; a warehouse; a godown.
  3. ಮೞ್ಗು

    ♪ małgu
    1. to be lessened in quantity, size, intensity, degree, etc.
    2. to cease to be seen; to go out of sight; to disappear.
    3. (a pain, grief, etc.) to be alleviated.
    4. to be cured; to recover from illness or rgain health.
    5. to be destroyed or ruined completely.
    6. to cease to live; to die.
    7. to be consumed by fire; to be burnt completely.
    8. to bow or prostrate in obeisance.
    9. to fall lengthwise.
    10. to lose lustre, colour; to become pale.
    11. to turn back or run away from (as from fear, hesitation or diffidence).
    12. to lose enthusiasm; to be disappointed; to be discouraged.
    13. to get exhausted as from mental or physical exertion.
    14. to contract or shrink oneself in size as from fear, shyness, etc.
    15. to sit bending one leg as to touch the ground with the knee.
  4. ಮಾೞ್ಕೆ

    ♪ māłke
    1. = ಮಾಳ್ಕೆ.
  5. ಮುೞುಕ

    ♪ mułuka
    1. that which, as a bird, dives into water (for catching fish); a diver.
    2. a man who goes deep in to sea (with breathing aids), ocean etc. for exploring underwater or for rescuiing drowned persons; a diver.
  6. ಮುೞುಕು

    ♪ mułuku
    1. = ಮುೞುಗು.
  7. ಮುೞುಕು

    ♪ mułuku
    1. the state or fact of being under the surface of a liquid.
    2. a bathing by immersing oneself in water.
    3. the daily disappearance of the sun below the western horizon; the sunset.
    4. a ceasing to exist; the fact of ending or being ended.
  8. ಮುೞುಗು

    ♪ muługu
    1. to go under the surface of a liquid; to dip or immerse oneself.
    2. to become completely wet; to be soaked.
    3. to bathe oneself by immersing in water.
    4. to be absorbed, engrossed in.
    5. to cover, surround or encompass.
    6. (fig.) to be laid waste; to be destroyed; to be ruined.
    7. to go out of side; to be hidden; to disappear.
    8. to be completely covered by; to be deep within.
    9. (a pointed instrument or sharp blade of a cutting weapon) to enter into or pass through.
    10. (fig.) to cease to leave; to die.
  9. ಮುೞ್ಕು

    ♪ mułku
    1. = ಮುೞುಗು.
  10. ಮುೞ್ಗು

    ♪ mułgu
    1. = ಮುೞುಗು.
  11. ಮುೞ್ಗು

    ♪ mułgu
    1. to turn back from a straight line; to bend.
    2. to bow the upper part of the body in respect, worship, greeting.
    3. to fall at once losing strength; to collapse.
    4. to stumble or falter while walking or running.
    5. to be spoiled and become useless.
    6. to attack; to fall upon.
    7. to put up a fight.
    8. to come to an end; to be over.
    9. (a plant, leaf, flower, etc.) to dry up from heat; to wither; to shrivel.
  12. ಮೊೞಕೈ

    ♪ moła kai
    1. the bend or joint of the human arm between upper arm and forearm; the elbow.
  13. ಮೊೞಗು

    ♪ mołagu
    1. (musical instrument) to make series of sounds.
    2. (clouds) to produce thunder; to thunder.
    3. to make a continuous, deep, rumbling sound.
    4. to cause to make sound (as by playing a musical instrument).
    5. to be or become bright as a flame of a burning fire.
  14. ಮೊೞಗು

    ♪ mołagu
    1. a (loud) sound.
    2. a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air heated by a lightning discharge; thunder.
  15. ಮೊೞಗು

    ♪ mołagu
    1. the plant Morinda tomentosa ( = M. tinctoria) of Rubiaceae family.
  16. ಮೊೞ್ಗು

    ♪ moła
    1. to turn back from a straight line; to bend.
    2. to bow the upper part of the body in respect, worship, greeting.
    3. to fall at once losing strength; to collapse.
    4. to stumble or falter while walking or running.
    5. to be spoiled and become useless.
    6. to attack; to fall upon.
    7. to put up a fight; to quarrel.
    8. to come to an end; to be over.
    9. (a plant, leaf, flower, etc.) to dry up from heat; to wither; to shrivel.
  17. ಮೊೞ್ಗು

    ♪ moła
    1. a mode of salutation (by bending one's body).
    2. the fact of being under another's control.
    3. goods, money taken by force in war or by robbing; plunder; loot; booty.
    4. anything that is not difficult to achieve.
    5. actual or potential ability to perform, yield or withstand; capacity.