Manmatha, the Love-God.
compelling or strong love; passion.
the spring season (being the first two months of Hindu calendar).
a honey-bee.
a plastic, dull-yellow substance secreted by bees for building cells; bees-wax.
the plant Datura metel of Solanaceae family.
the acacia tree Acacia catechu of Mimosae family.
the large, evergreen tree Manilkara hexandra ( = Mimusops hexandra) of Sapotaceae family.
the plant Xeromphis spinosa ( =Gardenia floribunda, = Randia dumetoum) of Rubiaceae family.
a kind of embrace as prescribed in erotica.
(pros.) a metrical foot having three (in which the first is long) or four (in which the first two are short '-uu') syllables.
(astrol.) the seventh house from the birth house in the zodiac diagram.