1. ಮಂಥಾನ

    ♪ manthāna
    1. = ಮಂಥನ - 2.
    2. Śiva.
  2. ಮಂಥನ

    ♪ manthana
    1. the act of churning (as curds).
    2. a stick with a disc-like part, with zig-zag teeth, at one end for churning curd; a churning stick.
    3. the act or an instance of rubbing two pieces of peepul wood together for generating fire.
    4. the act or process of thinking seriously and deeply about; meditation; cogitation.
    5. emotional disturbance; agitation.
  3. ಮಾಂತನ

    ♪ māntana
    1. the state or quality of being superior or higher, greater, better, etc.; superiority.
    2. the quality of being worthy of esteem or honor; worthiness; dignity.
  4. ಮಂತಣ

    ♪ mantaṇa
    1. a counselling with persons in close circles; a private and intimate counselling.
    2. an excellent political policy or wisdom.
    3. the act of advising.
    4. the advice given.
    5. opinion; viewpoint; judgement.
    6. a secret place.
    7. (fig.) a close circle of friends who share a common interest or background; coterie.
    8. ಮಂತಣದ ತೊಟ್ಟಿ mantaṇada toṭṭi = ಮಂತಣಶಾಲೆ; ಮಂತಣದ ಮಂದಿರ mantaṇada mandira = ಮಂತಣಶಾಲೆ; ಮಂತಣದ ಸಾಲೆ mantaṇada sāle = ಮಂತಣಶಾಲೆ.
  5. ಮಂಥನಿ

    ♪ manthani
    1. = ಮಂಥನ - 3.
    2. a container or contrivance in which milk or cream is beaten, stirred or shaken to form butter; a churn.
  6. ಮಂತಣ

    ♪ mantaṇa
    1. = ಮಂತು; - 1.
    2. subjugation of one's opponent, passion, etc.
  7. ಮಂತಣಿ

    ♪ mantaṇi
    1. = ಮಂತು1 - 1.
    2. a container for curds.
  8. ಮುಂತಣ್

    ♪ muntaṇ
    1. = ಮುಂದಣ್.
  9. ಮುಂತಣ

    ♪ muntana
    1. = ಮುಂದಣ.
  10. ಮುಂದಣ್

    ♪ mundaṇ
    1. the front portion of anything.
    2. the area or region in front of something.
    3. the time, period yet to come; futute.
  11. ಮುಂದಣ

    ♪ mundaṇa
    1. being, lying, in front.
    2. that is to be or come; of days, months or years ahead; following (in time).
  12. ಮಂತಣೆ

    ♪ mantaṇe
    1. = ಮಂತಣ1.
  13. ಮಂತಣೆ

    ♪ mantaṇe
    1. = ಮಂತಣ2.