1. ಮಂಥ

    ♪ mantha
    1. = ಮಂಥನ - 1 & 2.
    2. a shaking, stirring vehemently.
    3. the act or an instance of destroying completely.
    4. a kind of drink made with the flour of a corn fried in ghee and mixed in cold water.
    5. the sun.
    6. a ray of sunlight.
    7. a particular eye-disease.
    8. the watery discharge from the mucous membranes of the eyes; eye-rheum.
    9. a dried piece of peepul wood, used to ignite by rubbing with another piece, in a religious sacrifice.
    10. a long-handled, cuplike spoon for dipping out liquid.
    11. a kind of antelope.
  2. ಮಂತ

    ♪ manta
    1. = ಮಂತು.
  3. ಮಾಂತ

    ♪ mānta
    1. an excellent, superior man.
    2. the superior of a monastery, temple, etc.
  4. ಮಂದ

    ♪ manda
    1. an extent of land that is not enclosed.
    2. a group of small villages.
  5. ಮಂದ

    ♪ manda
    1. not quick in moving; slow.
    2. not inclined to work or exert oneself; lazy.
    3. not bright; wanting sufficient light; dull.
    4. showing or resulting from a lack of normal intelligence; foolish; stupid.
    5. soft; tender.
    6. blurred; obscure.
    7. not loose in internal structure; tight; solid.
    8. dense; thick.
  6. ಮಂದ

    ♪ manda
    1. that which moves, acts, reacts very slowly.
    2. a man who by habit is very slow in moving, acting, understanding or reacting.
    3. a man characterised by sloth; an indolent, lazy man.
    4. a stupid man; a fool.
    5. lack of sharpness.
    6. the quality or condition of not being lax.
    7. the quality or fact of being dense, thick; density.
    8. a morally bad, depraved man.
    9. an unfortunate, unlucky man.
    10. lack of good health; disease; sickness.
    11. an arrogant, conceited man.
    12. the condition of food not being digested; indigestion.
    13. that which cannot be digested easily.
    14. the discomfort or disorder caused by an abnormality in digesting food; dysepsy.
    15. the planet Saturn.
    16. a class or variety of elephants, that is characterised by slowness in movement.
    17. the range of voice below the note C in the scale of C Major.
  7. ಮಾಂತ

    ♪ mānta
    1. a word ending with the consonant or with the sound 'ಮ'.
  8. ಮೆಂತೆ

    ♪ mente
    1. = ಮೆಂತ್ಯ.
  9. ಮಂದಿ

    ♪ mandi
    1. the large body of the common people of a society, nation or ethnic group.
    2. a number of people.
  10. ಮಂದಿ

    ♪ mandi
    1. the condition of prices of commodities being lower; sluggishness in market.
  11. ಮಂದು

    ♪ mandu
    1. an extent of land that is not enclosed.
    2. a group of small villages.
  12. ಮಂದು

    ♪ mandu
    1. any substance or substances used in treating disease or illness; medicament; remedy; medicine.
    2. a substance fed along with food, that acts as a slow-poison.
    3. anything or means that relieves from pain, distress, agony, harm, etc.
    4. a means (as a mystical word, formula, incantation, etc.) used to bring a person under spell.
    5. a substance that can explode, as gunpowder.
    6. a usu. small paper cylinder that contains an explosive and an attached fuse and makes a sharp noise when exploded, used during celebrations, etc.; a fire-cracker.
  13. ಮಂದೆ

    ♪ mande
    1. a group of people.
    2. a number of cattle, sheep or other animals feeding, living or being driven together; a herd.
    3. a group of villages, as an administrative division.
    4. an extent of grass growing land meant for grazing cattle.
  14. ಮೇಂದು

    ♪ mēndu
    1. the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of gray and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions; the brain.
    2. the soft, vascular, fatty tissue that fills the cavities of most bones; marrow.
  15. ಮಂತು

    ♪ mantu
    1. a stick with a disc-like part, with zig-zag teeth, at one end for churning curd; a churning stick.
    2. the watery portion separated from the coagulated curd.
  16. ಮಾಂದು

    ♪ māndu
    1. = ಮಾಂದಿಸು - 1.
    2. to grow less; to become less; to decrease; to diminish.
    3. to withdraw from going ahead, attempting something, etc.; to retreat.
  17. ಮಿಂತು

    ♪ mintu
    1. [a word deliberately formed based on the word ಮಿೞ್ತು] 1. the end of life; death.
    2. the Death-God or Goddess.
    3. great danger; peril; jeopardy.
  18. ಮಿಂದು

    ♪ mindu
    1. an amount of money (esp. coins) tied in a piece of cloth and kept apart (as an offering to a deity).
  19. ಮುಂತು

    ♪ muntu
    1. = ಮುಂದು1.
    2. ಮುಂತಾಗು muntāgu = ಮುಂದಾಗು; ಮುಂತಾದ muntāda and others; and the like; and the rest; and so forth; et cetera.
  20. ಮುಂತು

    ♪ muntu
    1. = ಮುಂದು2.