1. ಮಂಡನ

    ♪ maṇḍana
    1. the act of decorating; decoration.
    2. anything that is used to decorate with; an ornament.
    3. an advancing of something for discussion, speaking in support of, etc.
  2. ಮಂಡಣ

    ♪ maṇḍaṇa
    1. = ಮಂಡನ -1.
  3. ಮಂಡಣ

    ♪ maṇḍaṇa
    1. anything wound or gathered into a series of rings or a spiral; a coil.
  4. ಮಂಡನೆ

    ♪ maṇḍane
    1. a putting forth a view, theory, a bill in an assembly, etc. for discussion.
    2. an advocating, substantiating of one's or another's view, theory.
  5. ಮುಂಡನ

    ♪ muṇḍana
    1. the act of shaving the head of a man or a woman who has last her husband.
    2. the act of getting one's head shaven as apart of a religious rite.