1. ಮಂಜೂರಿ

    ♪ manjūri
    1. = ಮಂಜೂರು.
  2. ಮಂಜರ

    ♪ manjara
    1. a small domesticated carnivore, Felis domestica or F. catus often kept as a pet or for killing mice; a cat.
  3. ಮಂಜರಿ

    ♪ manjari
    1. a domestic female cat.
  4. ಮಂಜರಿ

    ♪ manjari
    1. a bunch; a cluster.
    2. the slender, usu. cylindrical portion of a leaf, which supports the blade and is attached to the stem; the leafstalk; the petiole.
    3. a smooth, rounded bead formed around a grain of sand within the shells of certain mollusks, valued as a gem; a pearl.
    4. the tree Clerodendrum phlomidis of Verbenaceae family.
    5. the part of the leg of a horse between the knee and the hoof.
    6. the plant Ocimum sanctum of Lamiaceae family; the basil.
    7. (mus.) in Karnāṭaka system, a mode derived from the main mode Kharaharapriya.
  5. ಮಂಜರೆ

    ♪ manjare
    1. = ಮಂಜರ.
  6. ಮಂಜಿರ

    ♪ manjira
    1. (pros.) a kind of poetry.
    2. (pros.) a kind of metre.
  7. ಮಂಜೀರ

    ♪ manjīra
    1. an anklet; a foot-ornament.
    2. a post round which the string of the churning-stick passes.
  8. ಮಂಜೂರ್

    ♪ manjūr
    1. = ಮಂಜೂರು.
  9. ಮಂಜೂರು

    ♪ manjūru
    1. a favourable opinion; formal consent or sanction; approval.
    2. ಮಂಜೂರು ಮಾಡು manjūru māḍu to approve; to give consent formally; to sanction.
  10. ಮಾಂಜರಿ

    ♪ mānjari
    1. a kind of soil or land that is not very much suitable for growing plants.
  11. ಮುಂಜರಿ

    ♪ munjri
    1. to move or go slightly forward.
  12. ಮುಂಜೂರ್

    ♪ mumnjūr
    1. = ಮುಂಜೂರು.
  13. ಮುಂಜೂರು

    ♪ mumnjūri
    1. the projecting edge of the roof of a house; eaves.