1. ಮಂಜಿ

    ♪ manji
    1. a slender, threadlike structure that combines with others to form vegetable tissue (as in hemp, plantain, etc.).
    2. the plant Corchorus capsularis of Tiliaceae family, that yields good quality of fibre, used for making sacks, mats, rope, etc.; jute.
  2. ಮಂಜಿ

    ♪ manji
    1. (dial.) a big, long boat.
  3. ಮಾಂಜಿ

    ♪ mānji
    1. (mus.) in Karnāṭaka system, a mode derived from the main mode Naṭhabhairavi.
  4. ಮಂಜು

    ♪ manju
    1. the quality or fact of being beautiful, attractive or charming; beautifulness; attractiveness.
  5. ಮಂಜು

    ♪ manju
    1. a kind of plant.
  6. ಮಾಂಜು

    ♪ mānju
    1. to go out of sight.
    2. to go out of memory; to be forgotten.
    3. to be healed; to become well or healthy again; to be cured.
    4. to keep from other's sight or knowledge.
    5. to erase; to wipe out; to remove.
    6. to go, move, pass, etc. smoothly, quickly or easily; to slip.
    7. to goback or move away or backward; to retreat.
  7. ಮಾಂಜು

    ♪ mānju
    1. the act of cheating, deceiving; deception.
  8. ಮುಂಜ

    ♪ munja
    1. the share of a small plough or of weeding implement.
  9. ಮುಂಜ

    ♪ munja
    1. the reed Saccharum sara ( = S. munja) of Poaceae family.
    2. a variety of horse.
  10. ಮುಂಜಿ

    ♪ munji
    1. = ಮುಂಜ2 - 1.
    2. a gridle made of this for a brāhmaṇa boy.
    3. a religious function, held just before sending a male brāhmaṇa student to the residence of his teacher for learning, in which he is initiated with the hymn of light (the Gāyatri hymn) by his father and invested with the sacred thread; (now that religious function only).
  11. ಮುಂಜೆ

    ♪ mumnje
    1. = ಮುಂಜಿ.
  12. ಮೌಂಜ

    ♪ maunja
    1. made of or using the grass Saccharum sara ( = S. munja).
  13. ಮೌಂಜಿ

    ♪ maunji
    1. a cord made by intertwisting the blades of grass Saccharum sara ( = S. munja).
  14. ಮಂಜು

    ♪ manju
    1. a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water vapour near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility; fog.
    2. the quality or condition or being colder (than usual); absence of normal warmth; coldness.
    3. something that covers, conceals; a screen; a veil.
    4. a piece, layer or sheet of the glassy, brittle, crystalline form of water made solid by cold; ice.
    5. the quality or state of being blurred or obscure; obscurity.
    6. lack of judgement, keen discerning capacity.
  15. ಮಂಜು

    ♪ manju
    1. that attracts or has the power to attract; esp., pleasing; charming; pretty; attractive; beautiful.
    2. pleasing to hear; sounding sweet; melodious.