1. ಮಂಜಾಳ

    ♪ manjāḷa
    1. lack of judgement; the state or quality of being stupid; stupidity.
    2. lack of sufficient light; the state or quality of being obscure; obscurity.
  2. ಮಂಜಳ್

    ♪ manjaḷ
    1. the plant Curcuma longa of Zingiberaceae family; turmeric plant.
    2. its rhizome the powder of which is used as a yellow dye or for seasoning food and in medicine; turmeric.
    3. (hist.) a tax levied on turmeric powder or rhizome.
  3. ಮಂಜಳ

    ♪ manjaḷa
    1. = ಮಂಜಳ್.
  4. ಮಂಜಳ

    ♪ manjaḷa
    1. = ಮಂಜಡಿ.
  5. ಮಂಜುಳ

    ♪ manjuḷa
    1. beautiful; pleasing; lovely; charming.
    2. pleasing to hear; sweet sounding; melodious; melifluous.
  6. ಮಂಜುಳ

    ♪ manjuḷa
    1. a mixture of various colours.
    2. a spring of water; a fountain.
    3. a place enclosed by overhanging boughs of trees or by vines on a trellis; an arbour; a bower.
    4. a water-bird; a water-fowl.
    5. the quality in a thing that pleases, charms; loveliness; charm; beauty.
  7. ಮಂಜುಳಿ

    ♪ manjuḷi
    1. a mixture of various colours.
  8. ಮಾಂಜೆಳೆ

    ♪ mānjeḷe
    1. a very tender twig of a mango tree.