1. ಭ್ರಾಮರ

    ♪ bhrāmara
    1. anything that is done, caused by bumble bee or bees.
    2. the act of flying above or around.
    3. a sweet, viscid fluid produced by bees from the nectar collected from flowers, and stored in nests or hives as food; honey.
    4. the fact or condition of being deceived or deluded by appearances; a deception, a delusion; an instance of misapprehension of the true state of affairs.
  2. ಭ್ರಮರ

    ♪ bhramara
    1. any of a number of related large, hairy, yellow-and-black social bees (esp. genus Bombus, family Apidae); bumblebee.
    2. a potteṛs wheel.
    3. a man, who leads an unrestrained, sexually immoral life; a rake; a libertine.
    4. a brilliant electric spark discharge in the atmosphere, occurring within a thunder cloud, between clouds or between a cloud and the ground; lightning.
    5. the state of having a whirling, dazed sensation; dizziness.
    6. a toy, inversely conical, with a point on which it is made to spin with the help a string or cord; a top.
    7. a particular mode in sexual coition.
    8. (dance.) a combination of eight different kinds of gesticulation expressing sentiments.
    9. (dance.) a moving in a circle keeping one foot after another in different ways.
  3. ಬೇರುಮಾರಿ

    ♪ bēru māri
    1. the plant Striga asiatica ( = S. lutea) of Scrophulariaceae family.
  4. ಭ್ರಮರಿ

    ♪ bhramari
    1. a female bee.
    2. a toy, inversely conical, with a point on which it is made to spin with the help a string or cord; a top.
    3. a turning or spinning motion of a body around a center.
    4. the act of turning (something) or causing to revolve around some other thing.
    5. a yogic exercise in which the inhaled air is retained for sometime within.
    6. (dance.) a moving round on the sole of one foot, throwing up the other foot with thigh being lifted.
    7. a kind of mystical accomplishment.