1. ಭಾರ್ಯೆ

    ♪ bhārye
    1. a woman as related to a man whom she is married to; a wife.
    2. ಭಾರ್ಯಾ ರೂಪವತೀ ಶತ್ರುಃ bhārya rūpavatī śatru (a Samskřta saying) he who has a white horse and a fair wife must be careful of they being fouled.
  2. ಭಾರ್ಯ

    ♪ bhārya
    1. that which is to be borne, supported, cherished, nourished or maintained; a dependent.
    2. a soldier; a mercenary.
    3. a measure or capacity equal to one fourth of a koḷaga or sixteenth part of a drōṇa.
  3. ಬ್ರಯ

    ♪ braya
    1. the amount of money expended; expense; expenditure.
    2. something that is given as a gift, donation.
    3. complete destruction.
    4. (math.) what is left undivided when one number is divided by another that is not one of its factors; remainder.
  4. ಬರಿಯ

    ♪ bariya
    1. an idle or useless fellow.
  5. ಬಿರಯ

    ♪ biraya
    1. = ಬಿರಹ.
  6. ಬಿರಯಿ

    ♪ birayi
    1. a man who is separated from his beloved woman.
  7. ಬೆರಿಯ

    ♪ beriya
    1. a man who buys and sells commodities for profit; a dealer; a trader; a merchnat.
    2. a clan of Muslim traders originally from Arabia, settled in the coastal ditricts of Karnāṭaka and part of Kerala, who speak Tuḷu mixed with Malayālam.
    3. a man belonging to this clan.
  8. ಬೆರ‍್ಯ

    ♪ berya
    1. the medium sized, deciduous tree Berrya ammonilla of Tiliaceae family.
  9. ಬೋರಿಯ

    ♪ bōriya
    1. a chequered or colourful carpet.
  10. ಬರಿಯ

    ♪ bariya
    1. a servant appointed in a temple; a temple servant.
  11. ಬರಿಯ

    ♪ bariya
    1. without covering or clothing; naked; nude; bare.
    2. without the usual furnishings, contents, etc.
    3. unadorned; bald; plain.
    4. empty; having no stuff.