1. ಭವತಿ

    ♪ bhavati
    1. a respectable woman.
  2. ಬವ್ವುತ

    ♪ bavvuta
    1. = ಬವ್ವು.
  3. ಬೋವಿತಿ

    ♪ bōviti
    1. = ಬೋಯಿತಿ.
  4. ಭಾವಿತ

    ♪ bhāvita
    1. brought to life or existence; produced; generated.
    2. got; possessed.
    3. displyed; exhibited; made apparent.
    4. imagined; fancied.
    5. accepted; approved.
    6. meditated upon; cogitated.
    7. stirred or roused by encouragement; honed; ardent; enthusiastic.
    8. soaked or mixed with a liquid.
    9. mixed; blend; compounded.
    10. perfumed.
  5. ಭಾವಿತ

    ♪ bhāvita
    1. that which is got, received or obtained.
    2. that which is scented or perfumed.
    3. (math.) the quantity obtained by multiplying two or more quantities together; the product.