1. ಭರದ್ವಾಜ

    ♪ bharadvāja
    1. = ಭರತಪಕ್ಷಿ–1.
    2. name of a celebrated sage whose clan is known as ಭಾರದ್ವಾಜ.
  2. ಭಾರದ್ವಾಜ

    ♪ bhāradvāja
    1. that which is relating to, ascribed to, the sage Bhāradvāja.
    2. a descendent in the family of this sage.
    3. Drōṇa, the famous teacher of martial arts, in Mahābhārata, one of the two great epics of India.
    4. another great mythological sage, considered as one of the seven celebrated sages.
    5. the lark Mirafra cantillans of Alaudidae family, smaller in size than house sparrow, with light bown body, light brown wings with dark brown spots, dull white breast, white brow, short, somewhat forked tail, brown legs and bill, that nests on the ground; singing bush-lark.
    6. the planet Mars.
  3. ಭಾರದ್ವಾಜಿ

    ♪ bhāradvāji
    1. the shrubby cotton plant Gossipium indicum ( = G. neglectum) of Malvaceae family.
    2. cotton got from this plant.