1. ಭರಣ

    ♪ bharaṇa
    1. the act of holding, bearing or carrying along.
    2. the act of maintaining, supporting or protecting.
    3. a stock of food and other supplies; provisions.
    4. money paid to an employee for work done; wages; pay; salary.
    5. the act of filling (a vacant space).
    6. a thing used to fill something else.
  2. ಬ್ರಣ

    ♪ braṇa
    1. an infected spot on the body, as an ulcer, boil, blister, etc.; a sore.
  3. ಬಾರಣ

    ♪ bāraṇa
    1. an elephant.
  4. ಬೀರಣ

    ♪ bīraṇa
    1. a kind of double drum used on social occasions, as marriage.
  5. ಬುರಣೆ

    ♪ buraṇe
    1. that which is eaten by moths, hence useless.
  6. ಬೂರಣ

    ♪ būraṇa
    1. that which is eaten by moths, hence useless.
  7. ಬೆರಣಿ

    ♪ beraṇi
    1. the faeces of cattle; cow-dung.
    2. dried cow-dung (usu. in the form of a thin, flat cake).
    3. (fig.) anything that is thin and flat.
  8. ಭರಣಿ

    ♪ bharaṇi
    1. a small box or chest, as for valuables; a casket.
    2. the second of the twenty seven stars, which are considered astrologically important.
    3. rain that comes during the association of this star with the moon (approx. during April-May).
    4. ಭರಣಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹುಟ್ಟಿದವನು ಧರಣಿ ಆಳುವನು bharaṇiyalli huṭṭidavanu dharaṇiāḷuvanu (prov.) (a belief that) a person whose birth star is ಭರಣಿ, will rule the nation.
  9. ಭಾರಣೆ

    ♪ bhāraṇe
    1. = ಭಾರವಣೆ.
  10. ಭಾರಣೆ

    ♪ bhāraṇe
    1. seemingly magical power by which another can be subjugated to one's will.
  11. ಭ್ರೂಣ

    ♪ bhrūṇa
    1. the young of a viviparous animal, esp. of a mammal, in the early stages of development within the womb (in humans up to the end of the eighth week); an embryo; a foetus.
    2. a baby; an infant.
    3. a young boy.
    4. a pregnant woman.
    5. the rudimentary plant usu. contained in the seed.
    6. that which is in the very early stage of development.
  12. ಬರಣಿ

    ♪ baraṇi
    1. a small casket.
  13. ಬಾರಣೆ

    ♪ bārṇe
    1. concluding one's fast undertaken for religious purpose by eating something; breakfast.