the act of breaking (into pieces).
the act of tearing (into pieces).
the act of dividing.
a long, deep, narrow split, found on the surface; a rift; a crack.
an injury, damaging the tissue breaking of the skin caused by a blow, stroke of a weapon, etc. or dashing against hard substance, etc.; a wound.
a distributing of something divided; distribution; apportionment.
the degree by which one differs from another; the fact of being dissimilar and the extent of this; difference.
a kind, type or sort.
a divulging of a secret or a secret being divulged; disclosure; divulgence.
the act or process of changing, substitution, alteration or variation; a change.
difference between the opinions of two persons; the condition of having divurgent opinions.
a person who hates another intensely; a foe; an enemy.
the state, fact or feeling of being two or being different from another; duality.
evacuation of bowels; a passing of waste matters from the large intestine; defecation.
a large scale agitation (in a society).
emotional disburbance (within oneself).
the fact of being defeated; a defeat.
a sudden, sharp pain caused by involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles from chill, strain, etc.; cramp.
a either temporary or permanent loss or impairment of voluntary movement, sensation in a body part; paralysis.
a contracting, compressing or being contracted, compressed; contraction.
(astrol. astron.) a conjugation of a few planets.
(in politics) an expediency of causing difference of opinions among the opponents, thus breaking of their strength.