1. ಬಾಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ bāsaṇige
    1. the tree Premna serratifolia ( = P. integrifolia) of Verbenaceae family.
    2. a thin strip of wood, plastic, metal, etc. with teeth, used to arrange or clean hair by passing through; a comb.
  2. ಬಾಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ bāsaṇige
    1. = ಬಾಸಣ - 1.
  3. ಭಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ bhasaṇige
    1. a conference of people belonging to the same profession.
    2. a paricular mode in sword-fight.
    3. a seat to sit on.
  4. ಬೀಸಣಿಕೆ

    ♪ bīsaṇike
    1. = ಬೀಸಣಿಗೆ.
  5. ಬೀಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ bīsaṇige
    1. a device having a thin, flat surface moved by hand to set up a current of air for purpose of cooling; a fan.
    2. ಅಟ್ಟಿಕ್ಕುವುದು ಗುಂಡಳಿಗೆ, ಬಡಿಸೋದು ಬೀಸಣಿಗೆ aṭṭikkuvudu guṇḍaḷige, baḍisōdu bīsaṇige (prov.) while one works hard, another takes credit for it; God healeth, the physician hath the thanks.
  6. ಬೈಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ baisaṇige
    1. the thin, arched, usu. wooden support on the belly of violins, vīnes (lutes), etc. over which the strings are stretched; a bridge.
  7. ಬೈಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ baisaṇige
    1. a conference of people of any profession.
    2. a paricular mode in sword-fight.
    3. a seat to sit on.
  8. ಬಿಸಣಿಗೆ

    ♪ bisaṇige
    1. a portable, domestic furnace in which charcoal is used as fuel.
    2. a broad, shallow container of metal, usu. having a handle, used for frying.