an ablong cloth worn by men in single fold, to cover their body from navel to feet.
♪ phaṭaka
transparent, colourless or slightly tinged quartz; a crystal.
something resembling crystal in transparency, colourlessness and clarity.
a solidified form of a substance in which the atoms or molecules are arranged in a definite pattern that is repeated regularly in three dimensions.
the plant Barleria cristata of Acanthaceae family; purple nail dye plant.
its flower.
the plant Rhinacanthus nasuta ( = R. communis) of Acanthaceae family.
a camphor crystal.
a glow of reflected light; a lustre.
♪ phaḍaku
the movable structure fixed to the door-frame, window-frame, etc., usu. with hinges, for opening or closing entrance to a building, room, etc. or to allow air, light to enter or avoid them from doing so; a door.
an opening caused by or as if by splitting; a cleft; a fissure; a rift.