1. ಪ್ಲೋಷ

    ♪ plōṣa
    1. the act of (fire) consuming (an object).
    2. the act or process of destroying; destruction.
  2. ಪ್ಲೋಷ

    ♪ plōṣa
    1. burning; consuming or destroying (by combustion).
  3. ಪಾಲಾಶ

    ♪ pālāśa
    1. the tree Butea frondosa of Papilionaceae family; the flame of the forest.
    2. anything that is made of the wood of this tree.
    3. the bright green colour.
  4. ಪಲಾಶ

    ♪ palāśa
    1. a leaf of any plant.
    2. the tree Butea frondosa of Papilionaceae family; bastard teak.
    3. a person who eats human flesh; a cannibal; a daemon.
    4. the plant Curcuma zeodarina ( = C. zerumbet, = Amomum zerumbet) of Zingiberaeae family.
    5. the taste that produces a burning sensation in the mouth, throat, etc.
    6. a taste that is sharp, unpleasant; bitter.
  5. ಪಾಲಾಶ

    ♪ pālāśa
    1. pertaining to, made of the tree pālāśa (Butea frondosa).
  6. ಪಲಾಶಿ

    ♪ palāśi
    1. a tree (or a plant) that has leaves.
    2. a kind of climbing plant.
    3. the tree Spondias pinnata (=S. mangiferra) of Anacardiaceae family.
    4. its plum used for pickles; Indian hog plum.
  7. ಪಾಲಿಷ್

    ♪ pāliṣ
    1. elegance, refinement, cultivation, finish or the like got by polishing; polish.
    2. a substance used for polishing.