a joining or being joined together.
the act or an instance of using a word, phrase, sentence, etc. in speaking or writing; usage.
a pattern or model, as of something to be imitated or avoided; an instance serving for illustration; an example.
a starting or beginning; a getting into action or motion; commencement; a start.
an order, direction or mandate; a command.
a plan; a scheme.
a carrying out, doing, etc.; execution.
a set form, manner or system of carrying out a ritual.
the act or an instance of discharging an arrow from the bow.
a formal exhibition or presentation before an audience, as a play, musical programme, etc.; a show; a performance.
the act of testing, examining.
that which is brought about by a cause; the effect.
a tool, implement, etc. used to bring about something.
the act, business of lending money at interest.