a blue-lotus flower.
the plant itself.
(gen.) any of the lotus plants.
(gen.) any of various kinds of lotus flowers.
the plant Costus speciosus of Zingiberaceae family; sweet costus; elephant arrow root.
the tip or extremity of an elephant's trunk.
the skin of a drum.
a kind of big drum; a kettle-drum.
a small drum having membranes on both sides, held by one hand and twisted or shaken rhythmically as to produce short, but repeated sounds.
a vessel or container.
the Indian crane Ardea Sibirica of Ardeidae family.
an arrow.
a sword.
the blade of a sword.
a case for the blade of a sword.
a large scale fight between two military forces.
the sky.
a pond or lake.
a kind of serpent.
a feeling of frenziness as from arrogance.
the red colour.
the sun.
a cave, cavern.
a division; a portion (of a whole).
any river or lake that is considered holy.
(astrol.) am inauspicious conjunction of astrological planets.
(jain.) an island or mythological division of the earth.