1. ಪೈತ್ರ

    ♪ paitra
    1. derived, received or inherited from one's father.
    2. related through one's father's side of the family.
  2. ಪೈತ್ರ

    ♪ paitra
    1. an oblation of water given to the manes (in which water is allowed to fall between the thumb and the forefinger.
  3. ಪೈತ್ರ

    ♪ paitra
    1. a festival observed during Caitra, the first month in the Hindu lunar calendar.
  4. ಪತ್ತರ

    ♪ pattara
    1. = ಪತ್ತಿರ - 1.
  5. ಪತ್ತಾರ

    ♪ pattāra
    1. one who makes or deals in articles of gold; a goldsmith.
  6. ಪದರ

    ♪ padara
    1. = ಪದರು3.
  7. ಪತ್ರ

    ♪ patra
    1. a leaf of a plant.
    2. a leaf of the tree Aegle marniclos (beal tree).
    3. a leaf of a palm tree, used to write on.
    4. a petal of a flower.
    5. the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, Syzygium aromaticum, of the myrtle family, used whole or ground as a spice; clove.
    6. a written message addressed to someone.
    7. a page of a book.
    8. anything written, that contains information or is relied upon to record or prove something; a document.
    9. a daily newspaper.
    10. a metal plate or board.
    11. a bird (in gen.) 11) the wing of a bird.
    12. feathers attached to the rear end of an arrow.
    13. a vehicle, as a horse, camel, cart, chariot, etc.
    14. a horse yoked to a chariot or cart.
    15. a sword.
    16. the blade of a sword.
    17. a cutting tool with a series of sharp teeth; a saw.
    18. an enemy; a foe.
    19. fire.
    20. a mountain.
    21. a figure painted by women on their bodies with different dyes.
  8. ಪಾದರ

    ♪ pādara
    1. illicit sexual relations one has with a person whom he or she is not married to; adultery.
  9. ಪಾತರ

    ♪ pātara
    1. a kitchen container; a utensil.
    2. rhythmic movement of the body and feet ordinarily to music; dance.
    3. a man who is eligible or suitable for.
    4. a dancer or a stage actor.
  10. ಪತ್ತರ

    ♪ pattara
    1. a written or printed message sent to another person, persons, etc.; a letter.
    2. a plant leaf.
  11. ಪಾದರ

    ♪ pādara
    1. a kind of tree.
  12. ಪಾತ್ರ

    ♪ pātra
    1. a small, open container for drinking liquids; a cup.
    2. any kitchen vessel.
    3. any vessel used in worship or sacrifice.
    4. the passage of a stream or river.
    5. a narrow, long groove made in the ground by a plough; a furrow.
    6. a small water vessel; a boat.
    7. position; rank; standing; status.
    8. that which has an important position, rank, standing etc.
    9. a man of good status.
    10. a man who is considered eligible from religious point of view to receive a gift.
    11. a part or character as in a novel, drama etc.
    12. person appointed by the head of a government to take charge of administration of some department; a minister.
    13. a man who acts in plays, movies, etc.; an actor.
    14. a successive group of rhythmical steps or bodily motions or both, usu. executed to music; dance.
    15. a female dancer.
    16. a female dancer assigned to a temple, and who often engages herself in harlotry.
    17. a taking part in an action, movement, programme, etc.; a function or office assumed by someone; a role; participation.
  13. ಪತ್ತಿರ

    ♪ pattira
    1. the quality or state of being proximate; proximity; nearness.
    2. the state or fact of being intimate; intimate association; familiarity; intimacy.
  14. ಪತ್ತಾರಿ

    ♪ pattāri
    1. = ಪತ್ತಾರ.
  15. ಜನ್ಮ ಪತ್ರ

    ♪ janma patra
    1. = ಜನ್ಮಕುಂಡಲಿ.
  16. ಪತ್ರೆ

    ♪ patre
    1. a leaf of a plant.
    2. a leaf or leaves of certain plants used for worshipping a deity.
    3. the outer covering of the hard, aromatic seed of the tree Myristica fragtrans of Myristiaceae family, that yields the spice mace.
    4. a kind of plant (Anisochilus carnosus or Artemisia indica ?).
    5. a leaf or leaves of plants as tobacco, marijuana, etc.
    6. a metal plate.
  17. ಪತ್ರಿ

    ♪ patri
    1. (gen.) a bird that has wings.
    2. a tree that has leaves.
    3. any of various accipitrine birds (family: Accipitridae) having a characteristic curved beak, short, rounded wings and a long tail and legs; a hawk.
    4. an arrow (that is tied with feathers at the rear end).
    5. the palm tree Borassum flabellifer ( = B. flabelliformis) of Arecaceae family; palmyra palm.
    6. a mountain.
    7. an instrument of metal, used by the ancients for writing on waxed tablets, having one end pointed for incising the letters; a stylus.
    8. a chariot.
    9. a man who travels or fights sitting in a chariot.
  18. ಪತೂರ

    ♪ patūra
    1. the plant Alternanthera sessilis of Amaranthaceae family.
  19. ಪತ್ತೂರ

    ♪ pattūra
    1. the medium-sized deciduous tree Pterocarpus santalinus of Papilionaceae family; red sandal tree.
  20. ಪತರು

    ♪ pataru
    1. to become agitated or irritated.
    2. to be restless or unquiet.
    3. to speak irrationally or absurdly.
    4. to be afraid of; to be frightened; to fear.
    5. to quiver, shudder or tremble as from fear, cold, etc.
    6. to become unstable, unsteady; to wobble.