1. ಪೈತ್ತ

    ♪ paitta
    1. caused by the malfunction of bile in the body.
  2. ಪಥ

    ♪ patha
    1. a road, way, course.
  3. ಪದ

    ♪ pada
    1. a proper or good state or condition.
    2. a condition; state of being.
    3. an opportune time; a right moment.
    4. the manner, way, method in which something is done, happens or is to be done, must happen, etc.
    5. the condition of (food) being in right or fit condition.
    6. the right degree of ripeness (of a fruit).
    7. sharpness, keenness (as of a weapon, instrument, etc.).
    8. a liquid used in sharpening, whetting a weapon or instrument.
    9. dampness; moisture.
    10. the watery discharge from the vagina when a woman reaches the peak of her sexual excitement in copulation.
    11. kindness, favour or grace.
    12. that which is appropriate, apt, suitable, fit, etc.
    13. skill; dexterity; talent; ability.
    14. the state of being tempered; the state of a metal with regard to the degree of hardness and resilience.
    15. information; news; report of recent happenings, etc.
    16. a cause or motive; a reason.
    17. that by which something is done or obtained; agency; a means.
  4. ಪಾತ

    ♪ pāta
    1. the act or process of flying (oneself) in air.
    2. a throwing oneself from above; a falling down; down-fall.
    3. a discharging of an arrow from the bow; a shooting.
    4. a heavy stroke.
    5. a military attack.
    6. a particular hold or lock in wrestling.
    7. injury, harm or damage to a person or thing (resulting in a loss in soundness).
    8. a defect; a fault; an error; a flaw.
    9. (geol.) a depressed part or place; depression.
    10. the act of seeing; sight.
    11. (dance.) a looking downward.
  5. ಪತ್ತ

    ♪ pattta
    1. a utensil; a vessel.
  6. ಪತ್ತ

    ♪ pattta
    1. = ಪತ್ತರ1.
  7. ಪಾಥ

    ♪ pātha
    1. water.
    2. fire.
    3. the sun.
  8. ಪಾತ

    ♪ pāta
    1. the plant Cissampelos pareira ( = C. fruticosa) of Menispermaceae family; false pareira root.
  9. ಪಾದ

    ♪ pāda
    1. the end part of the leg, on which a person or animal stands or moves; a foot.
    2. a ray of light.
    3. the bottom of a mountain.
    4. a small hill; a mound; a hillock.
    5. the root of a tree.
    6. a term used in addressing a respectable person.
    7. a honorific suffix added to the names of reverential persons.
    8. a part or portion of a whole.
    9. one of the four equal parts of a whole; a fourth; a quarter.
    10. a unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches; a foot.
    11. (pros.) a single row of words or characters making up a unit of poetry, often of a specified number of feet; a line.
    12. (astrol.) any of the four equal portion of duration of the prevalance of a star.
    13. ಪಾದ ಬೆಳಸು pāda beḷasu = ಪಾದ ಬೆಳೆಸು; ಪಾದ ಬೆಳೆಸು pāda beḷesu (used respectfully or sarc.) to come; to arrive.
  10. ಪತ

    ♪ pata
    1. a utensil; a vessel.
  11. ಪದ

    ♪ pada
    1. the terminal part of the leg in vertebrates, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves; a foot.
    2. the distance covered by a single step while walking; pace.
    3. an impression of the sole of a person's foot; a foot-print.
    4. a way; a path; a road.
    5. something that indicates a fact; a sign.
    6. a position of authority, esp. in a government business, institution, etc.
    7. space; room.
    8. the state of being relieved from the worldliness, cycle of birth and death, etc.; salvation; emancipation.
    9. suitable scope or opportunity.
    10. a place of dwelling; a house.
    11. a thing that can be seen or touched; an object.
    12. anything producing an effect or result.
    13. a false reason or motive put forth to hide the real one; a pretext.
    14. matters of business or concern; affairs.
    15. a protecting or being protected.
    16. a method of reciting vedic hymns, arranging each word of vedic text separately in its original form without regard to the rules of sandhi (euphonic junctions as per grammar).
    17. a ray of light.
    18. a unit for measuring the area of land.
    19. (gram.) the inflected form of a word.
    20. (mus.) a sort of compositions that gives more emphasis for rhythm and mostly used in dancing.
    21. a rhythmical composition, sometimes rhymed, expressing experiences, ideas or emotions in a style more concentrated; a poem.
    22. a single row of words or characters making up a unit of poetry, often of a specified number of feet; a line.
    23. (arith.) a symbol for the number two.
  12. ಪತ

    ♪ pata
    1. (rightly, ಪಥ) a way made for traveling between places esp. by vehicles; a road.
  13. ಪತ್ತು

    ♪ pattu
    1. the cardinal number ten; 10.
  14. ಪತ್ತು

    ♪ pattu
    1. amounting to ten in number; ten.
  15. ಪತ್ತು

    ♪ pattu
    1. the act associating or being associated.
    2. the fact of being associated with; association.
    3. the connection or manner of being connected or related; relation.
    4. a place of protection; shelter.
    5. a physical combat (as between two hostile armed force); a battle.
  16. ಪತ್ತು

    ♪ pattu
    1. to stick oneself to; to be fixed to (with or as with glue).
    2. to join (oneself with); to be associated with; to join with.
    3. to welded to or with.
    4. to become fit; to conform suitably with.
    5. to hold or seize with (one's hands).
    6. to come into physical contact with; to touch.
    7. to happen; to occur; to befall.
    8. to spread oneself widely.
    9. to climb; to ascend; to mount up.
    10. (a lamp, candle, etc.) to catch fire; to be lighted.
    11. (an ointment, oil, greasy substance, etc.) to be daubed, smeared.
    12. to become a friend of or related with.
    13. (heat, fire) to become intense.
    14. to go beneath the surface of; to sink.
    15. to run behind in order to catch; to chase.
    16. (an evil spirit, etc.) to possess a person and influence his behaviour, action, etc.
    17. to follow or observe (a religion or religious practice).
    18. to be taken up; to engage in.
    19. to take (another person) into arms and press to the bosom as to express one's affection, love, appreciation, etc.
    20. to exert or have influence on; to have an effect on.
    21. to form a wrinkle or wrinkles in, as by contracting.
    22. to be needed; to become necessary.
    23. (news, information) to reach.
    24. to bend or incline the body so as to rest part of one's weight upon or against something; to lean on.
    25. to lie down; to lay oneself on.
    26. to be accounted.
    27. (money, wealth) to be accumulated or to grow.
    28. (taste) to be felt (favourably); (a liking, inclination) to occur.
    29. to be met (as on the way); to get; to arrive at.
    30. to be sufficient.
    31. (a plant) to develop roots (in the ground) and stand steadily.
    32. (a medicine, food, etc.) to suit (the body).
    33. (an expected or right price) to be got (as for a commodity being sold).
    34. to have sexual intercourse.
  17. ಪತ್ತಿ

    ♪ patti
    1. a part or portion that belongs or is allotted to an individual or the part contributed by one; a share.
  18. ಪತ್ತೆ

    ♪ patte
    1. something that indicates a fact, quality, etc.; indication; token; a sign.
    2. the act of discovering; discovery.
    3. a finding out or being found out; detection.
    4. the place to which mail, etc. can be sent to someone; place where someone lives or works; address.
    5. ಪತ್ತೆ ಕೊಡು patte koḍu to give the address of; ಪತ್ತೆಯಾಗು patteyāgu to be found out (for the first time); 2. (a thief, miscreant, etc.) to be caught or discovered; ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡು patte māḍu to find out (for the first time); to discover; 2. to catch or discover, as in a misdeed; ಪತ್ತೆ ಇಲ್ಲದಿರು patte illadiru to be absconding; to be out of sight (usu. for a longer period); ಪತ್ತೆ ಹಚ್ಚು patte haccu = ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡು.
  19. ಪತ್ತಿ

    ♪ patti
    1. a moving on foot from one place to another; a walking.
    2. a soldier who moves and fights largely on foot; a foot-soldier; an infantryman.
    3. a small division of an army consisting of one chariot, one elephant, three horses and five foot-soldiers.
  20. ಪತ್ತೆ

    ♪ patte
    1. towards a place that is closer (to the object); near.