1. ಪೇರುಸಿರು

    ♪ pērusiru
    1. a long, deep and usu.audible breath, expressing sorrow, fatigue, longing, etc.; a sigh.
  2. ಪ್ರಸಾರ

    ♪ prasāra
    1. a diffusing or being diffused; a scattering or being scattered over a wide area; diffusion; dissemination.
    2. a transmitting (as to a large audience, viewers) by radio or television.
    3. a room, booth where goods are sold.
    4. (mus.) a making gestures while singing (considered as one of the defects).
    5. ಪ್ರಸಾರ ಮಾಡು prasāra māḍu to scatter far and wide; to spread abroad, as if in sowing; to promulgate widely; to dissiminate; 2. to spread (information, gossip, etc.) widely; 3. to transmit, as to a large audience, by radio or television; to broadcast or telecast.
  3. ಪ್ರಸರ

    ♪ prasara
    1. an extending or being extended (over a wide area); a diffusing, disseminating or being diffused or disseminated.
    2. the large area, extent over which something is extented, spread, broadcast, etc.
    3. the rate (esp. high rate) or force of movement or action.
    4. a current or flow of water or other liquid; a stream.
    5. a moving forward or onward; progress; advance.
    6. the quality, fact or state of being or having excess; excessiveness.
    7. the power of a person or thing that affects, modifies or changes another or others; influence.
    8. a group of persons, things or animals, gathered at a place; a multitude.
    9. fond or tender feeling; affection; love.
    10. open armed fight between two armies, faction, etc.; a war.
    11. an iron arrow.
    12. complete destruction.
    13. an opportunity; a favourable circumstance.
  4. ಪರಿಸರ

    ♪ parisara
    1. a limit or boundary that confines something within.
    2. the state of being; condition.
    3. all the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding, and affecting the development of, an organism or group of organisms; environment.
    4. the fact of being very close; nearness; proximity.
    5. range or limits of anything; scope; coverage; extent.
    6. that which determines events, condition or course.
    7. cessation of life; death.
    8. ಪರಿಸರ ಮಾಲಿನ್ಯ parisara mālinya a polluting of one's surroundings, environent; 2. any of different types of pollutions of the environment as air pollution, water pollution,sound pollution, etc.
  5. ಪರೀಸಾರ

    ♪ parīsāra
    1. a walking or going about; a wandering.
    2. a coming towards or near.
    3. the work done or duty performed for another; a serving of a deity or a venerable person; service.
  6. ಪುರಸ್ಸರ

    ♪ purassara
    1. leading; going or coming ahead (of).
  7. ಪುರಸ್ಸರ

    ♪ purassara
    1. the state or quality of including being included in.
  8. ಪೆರಸಾರು

    ♪ pera sāru
    1. to go back to original or previous position or place; to retreat.
  9. ಪೇರುಸುರು

    ♪ pērusuru
    1. = ಪೇರುಸಿರು.
  10. ಪೊರೆಸಾರ್

    ♪ poresār
    1. to go or come near.
  11. ಪರಾಶರ

    ♪ parāśara
    1. a mythological sage, who wrote a code of religious conduct, known as Parāśara Smřti.
  12. ಪಾರಾಶರ

    ♪ pārā
    1. of, relating to, written by the sage Paraśara.
  13. ಪಾರಾಶರ

    ♪ pārā
    1. Křṣṇadvaipāyana, popularly known as Vēdavyāsa, a sage who edited and compiled the Vedas systematically.
  14. ಪುರಃಸರ

    ♪ purah sara
    1. going ahead of or happening in advance.
  15. ಪುರಃಸರ

    ♪ purah sara
    1. a messenger who brings or carries messages before an event happens.
    2. a leader who comes forward voluntarily to guide others.
  16. ಪಱಿಸೀರೆ

    ♪ paṛi sīre
    1. a torn or worn piece or pieces of cloth.
  17. ಪೆಱಸಾರು

    ♪ peṛa sāru
    1. to go back to original or previous place; to retreat.
    2. to go away from.
  18. ಪೊಱಸಾರು

    ♪ poṛa sāru
    1. to go out or away.
  19. ಪಾರಾಶರಿ

    ♪ pārā
    1. a man who has renounced the worldly attachments, and become a Sanyāsi and belongs to the the mendicant order of Parāśara.
  20. ಪರಾಶರಿ

    ♪ parāsari
    1. a wandering mendicant.
    2. a man who leads a life of contemplation and rigorous self-denial for religious purposes; an ascetic.