1. ಪೇರಿಸು

    ♪ pērisu
    1. to become large, larger, wide or wider.
  2. ಪೇರಿಸು

    ♪ pērisu
    1. to load with a burden; to place a burden on.
    2. to pile up things one over the other.
  3. ಪ್ರಾಸ

    ♪ prāsa
    1. the act or process of throwing, hurling, projecting (a weapon, with force).
    2. a kind of weapon for throwing, as a dart, lance, etc.
    3. (pros.) repetition of the sound of a consonant regularly in each line of a verse.
  4. ಪರ್ಸ

    ♪ parsa
    1. the country Iran, situated between the Capsian Sea and the Persian Gulf; Persia.
  5. ಪಾರಸ

    ♪ pārasa
    1. = ಪಾರಶಿಕ - 1.
  6. ಪರಸ

    ♪ parasa
    1. = ಪರಸೆ.
  7. ಪರಸ

    ♪ parasa
    1. a barbed missile or dart.
  8. ಪರಾಷ

    ♪ parāṣa
    1. a servant appointed for menial work.
  9. ಪರ್ಷ

    ♪ parṣa
    1. a number of things, tied, wrapped or otherwise held together; a bundle.
  10. ಪರ್ಸು

    ♪ parsu
    1. a small bag or pouch for carrying money; a purse.
  11. ಪರಸೆ

    ♪ parase
    1. a periodical gathering of people in a large number at a place for celebrating a festival, social occasion or for buying and selling.
    2. people so gathered.
    3. (in gen.) a crowd; a multitude.
    4. a body of elected or appointed persons vested with some authorities, as to make rules, enforce these rules, manage the affairs of an organisation, institution, etc.; an assembly or council.
  12. ಪರುಸೆ

    ♪ paruse
    1. a periodical gathering of people in a large number at a place for celebrating a festival, social occasion or for buying and selling.
    2. people so gathered.
    3. (in gen.) a crowd; a multitude.
    4. a body of elected or appointed persons vested with some authorities, as to make rules, enforce these rules, manage the affairs of an organisation, institution, etc.; an assembly or council.
  13. ಪರಸು

    ♪ parasu
    1. = ಪರಶು.
  14. ಪರಾಸು

    ♪ parāsu
    1. no longer living; deprived of life; dead.
  15. ಪರಸು

    ♪ parasu
    1. to express one's good wishes in a solemn form, as for another's prosperity, victory, goodlife, protection against harm, evil., etc.; to bless solemnly.
    2. to convey one's good wishes for another.
    3. to undertake a religious vow.
    4. to recite a prayer and ask earnestly the god for something.
    5. to praise; to commend; to admire; to extol.
  16. ಪರಿಸ

    ♪ parisa
    1. a touching or being touched; a physical contact; a touch.
    2. a kind of stone believed to convert any base metal into gold by its physical contact.
  17. ಪರಿಸು

    ♪ parisu
    1. to cause to run.
    2. to make a liquid flow in a stream.
    3. to cause to go or be carried; to dispatch, convey or transmit.
    4. to take off; to remove; to ward off.
    5. to turn (a person or thing) aside from a course, direction, etc. into another; to deflect; to divert.
    6. to repay (a debt) fully; to pay back.
  18. ಪರಾಸು

    ♪ parāsu
    1. a dead person.
  19. ಪರಿಸ

    ♪ parisa
    1. a barbed missile or dart.
  20. ಪರಿಸೆ

    ♪ parise
    1. a periodical gathering of people in a large number at a place for celebrating a festival, social occasion or for buying and selling.
    2. people so gathered.
    3. (in gen.) a crowd; a multitude.
    4. a body of elected or appointed persons vested with some authorities, as to make rules, enforce these rules, manage the affairs of an organisation, institution, etc.; an assembly or council.