1. ಪೆಗೋಡ

    ♪ pegōḍa
    1. a temple usu. a pyramidlike tower and typically having upward-curving roofs over the individual stories, built over a sacred relic or as a work of devotion; a pagoda.
    2. the tower of a building esp. a temple.
    3. any of several former gold or silver coins of southern India, usu. bearing a figure of such a temple, first issued in the late 16th century.
  2. ಪಾಕಡಾ

    ♪ pākaḍā
    1. = ಪಾಕಡ1.
  3. ಪಾಕಡಾ

    ♪ pākaḍā
    1. = ಪಾಕಡ2.
  4. ಪಾಕಡ

    ♪ pākaḍa
    1. skillful or clever, esp. in achieving a purpose; artful.
    2. sly or cunning; crafty.
    3. good; pleasant; enjoyable.
  5. ಪಾಕಡ

    ♪ pākaḍa
    1. a skilful or clever person.
    2. a sly, cunning, crafty person.
  6. ಪಾಗಡ

    ♪ pāgaḍa
    1. an ornament for the anklets; an anklet.
  7. ಪಗಡೆ

    ♪ pagaḍe
    1. the large, evergreen tree Mimuspos elengi of Sapotaceae family, with strong and hard wood the core of which is black.
    2. its flower.
  8. ಪಗಡಿ

    ♪ pagaḍi
    1. a deposit of an amount of money that a lessee has to pay to the lesser at the time of taking a building on rent.
  9. ಪಕ್ಕಡಿ

    ♪ pakkaḍi
    1. (dial.) the fleshy side of a person or animal between the ribs and the hip.
  10. ಪಕೋಡ

    ♪ pakōḍa
    1. a kind of spicy pudding fried in oil.
  11. ಪಗುಡಿ

    ♪ paguḍi
    1. a jeering cry or remark; sarcastic or derisive comment; a jeer; a jibe.
    2. a person who makes, usu. habitually, jeering or sarcastic remarks.
  12. ಪಗೋಡ

    ♪ pagōḍa
    1. a temple usu. a pyramidlike tower and typically having upward-curving roofs over the individual stories, built over a sacred relic or as a work of devotion; a pagoda.
    2. the tower of a building esp. a temple.
    3. any of several former gold or silver coins of southern India, usu. bearing a figure of such a temple, first issued in the late 16th century.
  13. ಪಗಡಿ

    ♪ pagaḍi
    1. a long cloth wound about one's head in folds as a head dress worn by men.
  14. ಪಾಗಡಿ

    ♪ pāgaḍi
    1. a deposit of an amount of money that a lessee has to pay to the lesser at the time of taking a building on rent.
  15. ಪಾಕೀಟು

    ♪ pākīṭu
    1. = ಪಾಕೆಟ್ಟು.
  16. ಪಗಡೆ

    ♪ pagaḍe
    1. a game of chance played with dice and pawns, on a chequered cloth.
    2. a small cube, usu. one of the pair, marked on each side with different number of spots (from one to six) used in this game; a dice.
    3. the symbol for the score one, on a dice.
    4. a pawn used in this game.
    5. a kind of sari (sīre, a garment worn by Indian women, consisting of a long piece of cotton or silk wrapped around the body with one end draped over the head or over one shoulder).
    6. ಪಗಡೆ ಆಟ pagaḍe āṭa = ಪಗಡೆ2 - 1; ಪಗಡೆಯಾಡು pagaḍeyāḍu to play this game of chance; 2. (fig.) to make a move cunningly or craftily.
  17. ಪಗಟು

    ♪ pagaṭu
    1. sweet talk that is capable of winning favour or cheating.
    2. excessive and blinding love or affection.
    3. insolent arrogance.
  18. ಪಾಕೆಟ್ಟು

    ♪ pākeṭṭu
    1. a folded paper container as for a letter, usu. with a gummed flap for sealing; an envelope.
    2. a little pouch, usu. sewn into or on clothing, for carrying money and small articles; a pocket.
    3. a small bag or pouch for carrying money; a purse.
  19. ಪಾಗಡೆ

    ♪ pāgaḍe
    1. = ಪಾಗಡ.
  20. ಪಾಗುಡ

    ♪ pāguḍa
    1. = ಪಾಗು1 - 1.
    2. a woven fabric; a piece or length of cloth.
    3. a woman's garment without having any separate partition for the legs, tied at the waist to cover upto the ankles, and worn as an underwear.
    4. a woman's garment of varying length that hangs down from the waist; a skirt.
    5. a loose, oblong cloth, gen. used as an upper garment, put lengthwise on the floor, as a mark of respect, for a respectable person to walk on.