1. ಪೆಂಪು

    ♪ pempu
    1. the state or quality of being sublime, majestic, noble, etc.; superiority in rank, position, character, achievement, etc.; greatness; eminence; sublimity.
    2. great fame or reputation; celebrity; renown.
    3. plentifulness; abundance; great plenty.
    4. the quality of being lovely; charmingness; beauty.
    5. a relatively great distance above a given level; height.
    6. prosperous condition; good fortune, wealth, success, etc.; prosperity.
    7. an unduly high opinion of oneself; exaggerated self-esteem; conceit; haughty behaviour; arrogance.
    8. great joy; delight.
  2. ಪಂಪ

    ♪ pampa
    1. one of the two equal parts of a whole; a half portion.
  3. ಪಂಪ

    ♪ pampa
    1. the first major Kannaḍa poet who lived in 10th century B.C. and wrote Ādi Purāṇa and Vikramārjuna Vijaya.
  4. ಪಂಪು

    ♪ pampu
    1. the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain; conjuring; magic.
    2. a display of one's might, strength.
  5. ಪಂಪು

    ♪ pampu
    1. any of various machines that force a liquid or gas into or through or draw it out of, something, as by suction or pressure; a pump.
  6. ಪಾಂಪು

    ♪ pāmpu
    1. a structure built over a stream, channel, river, etc. to provide a way across; a bridge.
  7. ಪೊಂಪು

    ♪ pompu
    1. the quality of charming or being pelasant to look at; beauty; charm; loveliness.
    2. abundance; plentitude.
    3. the quality that makes something superior, excellent or distinct.