1. ಪೆಂಡಿ

    ♪ peṇḍi
    1. = ಪೆಂಟಿ2.
  2. ಪೆಂಡಿ

    ♪ peṇḍi
    1. = ಪೆಂಟೆ1.
  3. ಪೆಂಟಿ

    ♪ peṇṭi
    1. any package containing several items or a number of pieces of the same article, usu. tied, bound, in a bag, cloth, etc.
    2. several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together; a bundle.
  4. ಪಂಡ

    ♪ paṇḍa
    1. a priest who conducts rituals in a pilgrim centres (in North India).
  5. ಪಂಡ

    ♪ paṇḍa
    1. a man lacking normal functions of the testes.
  6. ಪಾಂಡಿ

    ♪ pāṇḍi
    1. a kind of large boat propelled by rowing.
  7. ಪಾಂಡಿ

    ♪ pāṇḍi
    1. a kind of wayside weed.
  8. ಪಾಂಡು

    ♪ pāṇḍu
    1. yellowish white.
  9. ಪಾಂಡು

    ♪ pāṇḍu
    1. the white colour.
    2. the yellowish white colour.
    3. a disease characterised by the condition in which the eyeballs, the skin, and the urine become abnormally yellowish as a result of increased amounts of bile pigments in the blood; jaundice.
    4. the tree Canarium strictum of Burseraceae family; black dammar.
  10. ಪಾಂಡು

    ♪ pāṇḍu
    1. a land measure equal to twenty squares ( = 2000 sq. ft ?).
  11. ಪಿಂಡ

    ♪ piṇḍa
    1. a sphereical mass; a ball.
    2. a group of persons animals or things; a multitude; a gathering.
    3. anything that is taken into and assimilated by an animal to keep it alive and enable it to grow; food.
    4. that much quantity of food that a person takes into his mouth at a time.
    5. cooked, solid food formed into spherical shape, which can be held in one's palm, for offering or offered to a god or manes.
    6. the unborn young of a human in the uterus from about the eighth week after; a foetus.
    7. a baby; an infant.
    8. the physical body (of a human being).
    9. any of the parts of a human body.
    10. the thickness of anything.
    11. any strong, solid thing.
    12. a balsamic resin obtained from certain trees (of Styracaceae family), used in medicine and perfumery and as incense; benzoin.
    13. iron.
  12. ಪಿಂಡಿ

    ♪ piṇḍi
    1. a mass of crushed oilseed from which the oil has been extracted, used as livestock feed and as a fertiliser; oil-cake.
    2. a kind of relish made of grams, spices, herbs, etc.
    3. a kind of sweet dish.
  13. ಪಿಂಡಿ

    ♪ piṇḍi
    1. the tree Spondias pinnata ( = S. mangifera) of anacardiaceae family.
    2. its plum.
    3. the plant Gymnacranthera canarica ( = Myristica canarica) of Myristicaceae family.
    4. the plant Hibiscus cannabinus of Malvaceae family; deccan hemp.
  14. ಪಿಂಡಿ

    ♪ piṇḍi
    1. any sphere-shaped mass.
    2. a group of persons, animals or things; a multitude.
    3. several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together; a bundle.
  15. ಪಿಂಡು

    ♪ piṇḍu
    1. to press (a fruit) hard from two oposite sides as to take the juice out; to sqeeze.
    2. to twist (as a soaked cloth) to take water out.
    3. to pour (a liquid) into.
    4. (fig.) to make weak or weaker; to weaken.
    5. to draw the milk from the udder of a cow etc.
    6. (a cow, etc.) to give milk; to milk.
    7. to press (a part of the body) to cause pain.
    8. to annoy; to harm; to mollest.
    9. to suck up; to absorb.
    10. to wipe out; to eradicate; to destroy.
    11. ಪಿಂಡಿ ಪಿೞಿ piṇḍi piłi to squeeze thoroughly; 2. to harm, molest.
  16. ಪಿಂಡು

    ♪ piṇḍu
    1. a group of persons animals or things; a multitude; a gathering; a herd.
    2. cooked, solid food formed into spherical shape, which can be held in one's palm, for offering or offered to a god or manes.
  17. ಪುಂಡ

    ♪ puṇḍa
    1. of, like or characteristic of a rogue; plundering; despoiling.
    2. destroying, spoiling or tending to destroy, spoil public or private property; lawless; vandal.
    3. inclined to annoy or vex with playful tricks; naughty; mischievous.
  18. ಪುಂಡ

    ♪ puṇḍa
    1. he who plunders or despoils a person or place by force; a wild, lawless person, often a member of a gang of criminals; a hoodlum; a freebooter.
    2. a morally bad, corrupt man; a depraved fellow.
  19. ಪುಂಡಿ

    ♪ puṇḍi
    1. the tree Spondias pinnata ( = S. mangifera) of anacardiaceae family.
    2. its plum.
    3. the plant Gymnacranthera canarica ( = Myristica canarica) of Myristicaceae family.
    4. the plant Hibiscus cannabinus of Malvaceae family; deccan hemp.
  20. ಪುಂಡು

    ♪ puṇḍu
    1. = ಪುಂಡ1.