1. ಪೆಂಚೆ

    ♪ pence
    1. = ಪೆಂಚೆಯ.
  2. ಪಂಚ

    ♪ panca
    1. a thing that is not frequently encountered or is scarce; a rare thing.
  3. ಪಂಚ

    ♪ panca
    1. amounting to five in number; five.
  4. ಪಂಚ

    ♪ panca
    1. the cardinal number five.
    2. a member of the group of people who hear the evidence and inquire into the facts in a litigation in a village or town; a jury.
    3. a member of a commission authorised to perform certain duties or tasks.
  5. ಪಂಚ

    ♪ panca
    1. extending over a larger area from side to side than is usual or normal; wide; broad.
  6. ಪಂಚಿ

    ♪ panci1
    1. the score of five in the game of chance played with dice.
  7. ಪಂಚಿ

    ♪ panci2
    1. silly, stupid or useless talk.
  8. ಪಂಚು

    ♪ pancu
    1. to divide (a whole) into parts, groups, etc.
    2. (math.) to divide a quantity by another quantity.
    3. to distribute among.
    4. ಪಂಚಂಪಾಡು ಮಾಡು pancam pāḍu māḍu to divide and distribute; ಪಂಚುಪಱಿ pancu paṛi that which is divided into small pieces; ಪಂಚುಪಱಿ ಮಾಡು pancu paṛi māḍu to divide, cut into small pieces; ಪಂಚಂಪಾಡಾಗು pancam pāḍāgu to be broken into (small) pieces.
  9. ಪಂಚು

    ♪ pancu
    1. a thin, burnt piece, made of clay used for roofing; a tile.
    2. a piece of broken pottery; a potsherd.
  10. ಪಂಚು

    ♪ pancu
    1. a device or machine for making holes (as on a sheet of paper); a punch; a punching machine.
  11. ಪಂಚೆ

    ♪ pance
    1. an oblong piece of cloth, having boarders on all the sides, used by men to cover from waist to the ankles, and sometimes, to cover the upper portion; a dhōti.
  12. ಪಿಂಚ

    ♪ pinca
    1. = ಪಿಂಛ - 2.
  13. ಪಿಂಚು

    ♪ pincu
    1. to be overtaken by; to remain in or to go back to a lower or previous stage or position.
    2. to go back to original position; to return.
    3. to withdraw oneself in the face of opposition or from fear of being defeated, etc.; to retreat.
    4. to become delayed.
    5. to leave out; to cause to remain (without being taken).
  14. ಪಿಂಚು

    ♪ pincu
    1. that which is at the back of.
    2. an instance of delaying or being delayed; delay.
  15. ಪಿಂಚು

    ♪ pincu
    1. = ಪಿಂಚೆಯ.
  16. ಪಿಂಛ

    ♪ pincha
    1. a feather of a bird.
    2. a feather of the long, brightly coloured upper tail of a peacock.
    3. a brush made of such feathers.
  17. ಪುಂಚ

    ♪ punca
    1. the soil carried away by ants in digging their underground nest, heaped in a mound around its entrance, in which usu. snakes dwell.
  18. ಪುಂಚೈ

    ♪ punccai
    1. an agricultural land fed only by rain water.
  19. ಪೆಂಚು

    ♪ pencu
    1. a thin slab or bent piece of baked clay used for roof covering; a tile.
    2. a broken piece of an earthen vessel.
    3. a pan on which pan-cakes are made.
    4. any baked earthen article.
    5. a piece or fragment of a whole.
  20. ಪೊಂಚು

    ♪ poncu
    1. to wait for a right opportunity or favourable time.
    2. to keep oneself hiding and be prepared to pounce upon (a prey).
    3. to watch or observe closely and secretly; to spy.
    4. to keep oneself from being seen by others.
    5. to scheme, plan something secretely; to plan in a deceitful way.
    6. to come out from within; to emit (oneself).
    7. to accumulate, arrange for accumulation.
    8. to make suitable change in to suit a purpose.