1. ಪುರ

    ♪ pura
    1. a fortified place.
    2. a town (usu. larger than a village but smaller than a city).
    3. a dwelling place; a house.
    4. the physical body (of human beings).
    5. a myrrhlike gum resin obtained from various trees esp. trees of Burseraceae family; bdellium.
    6. the grass Cyperus rotundus( = C. hexastachyus) of Cyperaceae family.
    7. its bulbous root.
    8. (myth.) one of three cities built in the sky by three daemons which was destroyed by Śiva.
    9. a village gifted to a person (by a king).
    10. (used as a suffix to many names of) a part or extension of a city.
    11. (math.) a symbol for the number three.
  2. ಪುರ

    ♪ pura
    1. an overflowing of water on an area normally dry; inundation; deluge; flood.
  3. ಪೂರ

    ♪ pūra
    1. the act of filling (something with) or being filled in.
    2. the act of giving pleasure to; a satisfying.
    3. a pouring or being poured; (as a liquid).
    4. an overflowing of a river, water body, etc; flood.
    5. a continuous, forceful flow (as of water in a river); a stream.
    6. a relatively large receptical of water, as a reservoir.
    7. a localised sore and infected spot on the body with the tissues ruptured or abraded; a sore.
    8. any of the several food preparations made of different kinds of flours.
    9. the citrus tree Ciitrus medica of Rutaceae family; lemon tree.
    10. its fruit.
    11. an inhaling of air into the lungs in a reguated way in prāṇāyāma (the yogic breathing exercise).
  4. ಪೂರ

    ♪ pūra
    1. to the greatest degree.
    2. completely; fully; entirely.
  5. ಪೂರಾ

    ♪ pūrā
  6. ಪರ

    ♪ para
    1. any of the festivals observed on days of conjunctions, as full moon-day, new moon-day, the days of solstices, etc.
    2. a time or day of feasting or celebration; a festival day.
    3. (fig.) joy; delight.
    4. a feast arranged on festival days, days of social gatherings, etc.
    5. a joint of the body.
    6. (fig.) heavy punishment or chastisement.
  7. ಪರ

    ♪ para
    1. one of the parties in a contest, conflict, etc.; a side.
    2. ಪರವಾಗಿ paravāgi in the interest of; speaking for; representing; on behalf of.
  8. ಪಾರ್

    ♪ pār
    1. to spring, jump up.
    2. to rise or fly high into the air; to soar.
    3. to move or glide on currents of air.
    4. to go away; to depart.
    5. (a group of people, mob) to break up and move in different directions; to scatter; to disperse.
    6. to throb, palpitate rapidly.
    7. to be destroyed; to be demolished.
    8. to send out; to discharge; to emit.
  9. ಪಾರಾ

    ♪ pārā
  10. ಪಾರ

    ♪ pāra
    1. an instance of jumping or leaping forward or down.
    2. the distance covered by such a movement.
    3. the act, manner of flying; flight.
    4. a kind of boat.
    5. an aircraft; an aeroplane.
    6. (dial.) a steep fall of water, as of a stream, from a height; a cascade; a waterfall.
    7. the act of throbbing (of the heart); throb.
  11. ಪರ

    ♪ para
    1. distant in space or time; not near; remote; far.
    2. set against; belonging to the other opposite side; opposite.
    3. facing; at, in or of the front.
    4. of future; that is to be or come.
    5. different; separate; other.
    6. of good quality; excellent.
    7. of, situated at or being the top; top.
    8. engrossed in; absorbed in.
  12. ಪಾರ್

    ♪ pār
    1. to see; to look at.
    2. to expect; to look forward to; to anticipate.
    3. to wish for.
    4. to think deeply about; to consider carefully; to ponder over.
    5. to notice or perceive; to pay special attention to; to observe.
  13. ಪಾರ

    ♪ pāra
    1. either of the two stretches of rising land running along with a stream on both sides of a stream, river, etc.; a bank.
    2. any line or thing marking a limit; bound; border.
  14. ಪರ

    ♪ para
    1. the fact of being situated at a distance (not proximately); remoteness.
    2. the quality of opposing, contending, hating, withstanding, etc.
    3. the fact of being before.
    4. the time yet to come; future time.
    5. a thing that is different from the one under consideration or reference.
    6. an outsider; an alien.
    7. an excellent thing.
    8. an excellent man.
    9. the Supreme Being.
    10. the everlasting beatitude; emancipation; deliverance of the soul.
    11. the region or world, as heaven, where the soul goes after departing from this world.
    12. a foe; an enemy; an adversary.
    13. the bank on the other side of a river.
  15. ಪರೆ

    ♪ pare
    1. to be strethed or opened out over a flat surface; to be spread out.
    2. to spread (oneself) like a creeper over a wider area.
    3. (an assembly, persons assembled) to break up and move away.
    4. to go away.
    5. to be destroyed or spoiled completely.
    6. to become disarranged and untidy; to become dishevelled.
    7. to mix up with something and become dirty or soiled.
    8. to be scattered or strewn around in a disorderly manner.
    9. to become expanded, spread out.
    10. to move forward.
    11. to join, associate (oneself) with.
    12. to begin to be day; to dawn.
    13. to move forward by dragging the body along the ground, as aworm; to crawl.
  16. ಪರು

    ♪ paru
    1. a kind of musical composition.
  17. ಪರು

    ♪ paru
    1. the hard joint of the stem of a plant (as of jowar, sugarcane, bamboo, etc.); a node.
    2. (myth.) a heaven, the abode for virtuous persons after their death.
    3. a mountain.
    4. the ocean.
  18. ಪರಿ

    ♪ pari
    1. the act of moving, walking, etc.
    2. a running; a moving rapidly.
    3. a flowing in stream; a current or flow of water or other liquid.
    4. a unit of linear measure.
    5. a way, path or channel of movement.
    6. a way or manner in which something is done, is usu. done or is to be done.
    7. manner or state of being; condition.
    8. a large organised body of soldiers; an army.
    9. a main division of a book; a chapter.
    10. an amount or quantity greater than is necessary, desirable, usable, etc.; too much; excess; the normal normal where wild animals come and where they are hunted or trapped.
    11. a carrier of messages; a messenger; a courier.
    12. a narrow channel along the side of a road or street, to carry off water; a gutter.
    13. a depression in the ground, as a pot-hole on a road, where water gets stagnated.
    14. a row of houses.
    15. the space, amount or degree to which a thing extends.
  19. ಪರಿ

    ♪ pari
    1. to move; to go.
    2. to go by moving the legs rapidly, faster than in walking; to run.
    3. to flow (as a liquid).
    4. to wander; to walk around, to move about.
    5. to go back or backward; to withdraw in the face of opposition; to retreat.
    6. to leve; to depart.
    7. (one's sight, attention) to fall on.
    8. to come to occupy a wide or wider area; to spread oneself.
    9. to break up and scatter in all directions; to spread about; to distribute widely.
    10. to go out of sight.
    11. to be removed.
    12. to put an end to (grief, distress, etc. of another).
    13. to be finished; to come to an end.
    14. (a meeting, assembly) to be concluded.
    15. to leave or abandon.
    16. to become unstable; to be unsteady.
    17. (a work) to be carried on further satisfactorily.
    18. to be relieved from the burden or responsibility of a debt.
    19. to putforth young leaves and tendrils (as a vine).
    20. to attack; to assault.
    21. to become possible.
    22. to move forward on one's body (as a snake).
    23. to be decided; to be resolved.
  20. ಪರೆ

    ♪ pare
    1. the first of the four stages in which the sound is produced in humans.