1. ಪರೋಕ್ಷ

    ♪ parōkṣa
    1. not seen; that cannot be seen or perceived; imperceptible; invisible.
  2. ಪರೋಕ್ಷ

    ♪ parōkṣa
    1. the quality or fact of being invisible or beyond the power of sight; invisibility.
    2. that which cannot be seen.
    3. end of life; death.
    4. the condition of being secret or concealed; secrecy.
    5. (jain.) knowledge derived through the mind and sensual organs.
    6. (Viśiṣṭādvaita phil.) knowledge that cannot be perceived through sensual organs.
  3. ಪಾರೋಕ್ಷ

    ♪ pārōkṣa
    1. the quality or fact of being invisible or beyond the power of sight; invisibility.
    2. that which cannot be seen.
  4. ಪ್ರಕಾಶ

    ♪ prakāśa
    1. shining; bright; brilliant.
    2. that can be seen; perceptible by the eye; visible.
    3. not faint or blurred; easily seen or heard; sharply defined; distinct; clear.
    4. famous; favourably known by many.
    5. made publicly known; announced; published.
    6. blown; expanded.
  5. ಪ್ರಕಾಶ

    ♪ prakāśa
    1. great luster or brightness; brilliance; splendour.
    2. the light of the sun; sunlight.
    3. the act or an instance of appearing; appearance.
    4. widespread reputation; renown; fame.
    5. the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank or ability; equality.
    6. an open field.
    7. a main division of a book; a chapter.
    8. the fact or state of knowing; the perception of fact or truth; clear and certain mental apprehension; knowledge.
    9. any of various alloys consisting essentially of copper and tin; bronze.
    10. (dance.) an instance of speaking revealing one's thoughts to the audiance and other characters on the stage or to oneself.
    11. (jain.) knowledge of external objects.
    12. the extraordinary feature, condition or power of the Supreme Being.
  6. ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆ

    ♪ parīkṣe
    1. a critical or methodical looking at or into to find out the facts, condition, etc. of; investigation; inspection; scrutinisation; the process itself; examination.
    2. a careful testing by questioning to find out the knowledge, skill, qualifications, etc. of (a student, witness, job applicant, etc.); the process involved in this; examination.
    3. the act or process of deciding the nature of a diseased condition by examination of the symptoms; medical diagnosis.
    4. (gen.) a careful examination and analysis of the facts in an attempt to understand or explain something;
    5. ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆ ಮಾಡಿಸು parīkṣe māḍisu to cause to test, examine; 2. to get (oneself or another) diagnosed medically; ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆ ಮಾಡು parīkṣe māḍu to test; to check; 2. to conduct an examination (as in a school); 3. to make a diagnosis of (a disease); to diagnose.
  7. ಪರಿಘೋಷ

    ♪ pari ghōṣa
    1. a roaring sound.
    2. indecent word or speech.
    3. the sound of thunder.
  8. ಪ್ರೇಕ್ಷೆ

    ♪ prēkṣe
    1. the act of seeing; vision.
    2. a display, exhibition.
    3. the ability to learn or understand from experience; ability to acquire and retain knowledge; mental ability; intelligence.