1. ಪರಿಣಾಮವಾದಿ

    ♪ pariṇāma vādi
    1. (phil.) an advocate of the 'ಪರಿಣಾಮವಾದ' of Sānkhya philosophy.
    2. an upholder of Darwin's theory of evolution.
  2. ಪರಿಣಾಮವಾದ

    ♪ pariṇāma vāda
    1. (phil.) the theory of evolution putforward in Sānkhya philosophy, that the physical world may be derived from a single substance which is assumed to be complex and all-pervasive.
    2. the theory which holds that all species of plants and animals developed from earlier forms by hereditary transmission of slight variations in successive generations, and that natural selection determines which forms will survive; Darwiṇs theory of evolution.