the act of cooking food by heating, boiling, baking, frying, etc.
any cooked food.
the quality of being fully grown, ripe or fully developed; maturity.
a being perfect, complete; maturity.
a thick solution of sugar and water boiled together; a syrrup.
an extract produced by decocting; decoction.
the result, product or consequence of any action.
the act or process of digesting food; digestion.
a very young child; an infant.
the sacrificial fire of a house-holder.
an oblation of rice, barley and pulse boiled with butter and milk for presentation to the gods or manes.
a well blended mixture of two or more things.
(rhet.) the quality of words, expressions being solemn, grave and serious.
(astrol.) the condition of an individual person being ruled by astrological planets and stars.