1. ಧಾರಾವಾಹಿ

    ♪ dhārā vāhi
    1. running, flowing in a stream.
    2. appearing, published, issued, etc. in a series or succession of continuous parts at regular intervals; serial.
  2. ಧಾರಾವಾಹಿ

    ♪ dhārā vāhi
    1. the quality or fact of running, flowing in or as in a stream.
    2. a novel, story, motion picture, etc. published or presented in a serial form; a serial.
  3. ದುರ್ವಹ

    ♪ durvaha
    1. very burdensome.
    2. unbearable; intolerable.
    3. flowing in a manner destroying (things on the course).
  4. ದುರ್ವಹ

    ♪ durvaha
    1. that which is burdensome.
    2. that which is unbearable or intolerable.
    3. a destructive flow (as of a flood).
  5. ಧೂರ್ವಹ

    ♪ dhūrvaha
    1. carrying, drawing a burden.
  6. ಧೂರ್ವಹ

    ♪ dhūrvaha
    1. an animal used for pulling heavy loads; a draft animal.
    2. a man who carries out, accomplishes (something).