1. ಧಾರಾಳ

    ♪ dhārāḷa
    1. a great supply; more than sufficient quantity; abundance; plentifulness.
    2. freedom from being reserve, self-restraint, reticence, etc.
    3. the quality of being generous; liberality; magnanimity; generosity.
    4. ಧಾರಾಳವಾಗಿ dhārāḷavāgi abundantly; plentifully; in plenty; amply; 2. without reticence, reservedness; frankly; openly; 3. liberally; generously; magnanimously.
  2. ತರಳ

    ♪ taraḷa
    1. = ತರಲ1.
  3. ತರಳ

    ♪ taraḷa
    1. = ತರಲ2.
  4. ತರಳೆ

    ♪ taraḷe
    1. = ತರಲೆ1.
  5. ತರಳೆ

    ♪ taraḷe
    1. = ತರಲೆ2.
  6. ತರಳೆ

    ♪ taraḷe
    1. = ತರಲೆ3.
  7. ತರಳೆ

    ♪ taraḷe
    1. a girl.
    2. a young woman.
  8. ತಿರುಳ್

    ♪ tiruḷ
    1. = ತಿರುಳು.
  9. ತಿರುಳಿ

    ♪ tiruḷi
    1. the shrub Capparis decidua (= C. aphylla) of Capparaceae family; common caper.
  10. ತಿರುಳಿ

    ♪ tiruḷi
    1. a kind of worm that makes dung, filth etc. into small balls and rolls them to its place.
    2. the moth caterpillars of Bombycidae family, that produce cocoons of silk fibre about itself; a silkworm.
  11. ತಿರುಳು

    ♪ tiruḷu
    1. the inner, softer part of a nut, fruit pit, etc.; the kernel.
    2. the central, most important part of something; core; essence.
    3. ತಿರುಳ ಕನ್ನಡ tiruḷa Kannaḍa = ತಿರುಳ್ಗನ್ನಡ.
  12. ತೆರಳ್

    ♪ teraḷ
    1. = ತೆರಳು.
  13. ತೆರಳಿ

    ♪ teraḷi
    1. a kind of worm that makes dung, filth etc. into small balls and rolls them to its place.
    2. the moth caterpillars of Bombycidae family, that produce cocoons of silk fibre about itself; a silkworm.
  14. ತೆರಳು

    ♪ teraḷu
    1. to move away from; to go.
    2. to move along in a stream (as a liquid moves downward); to flow.
    3. to extend over or occupy a greater or a considerable area or period; to spread oneself.
    4. to cause (dust etc.) to rise.
    5. to move upward; to rise; to get up.
    6. to become combined or joined together; become one or as one; to unite.
    7. to move or shake (oneself); to quiver.
    8. to go back, return avoiding an opposition, confrontation, etc.; to retreat.
    9. to be or become wrinkled, shrunk as from loss of strength.
    10. to become completely destroyed, erased; to cease to exist.
    11. to remove the outer covering, clothing, etc.
    12. (a dish being fried in oil) to swell well.
  15. ತೆರಳೆ

    ♪ teraḷe
    1. = ತೆರಳಿ.
  16. ತೆರಳೆ

    ♪ teraḷe
    1. a ball-shaped mass of a soft solid material; a lump.
  17. ತೇರಾಳ್

    ♪ tērāḷ
    1. a man who drives a chariot.
  18. ತೊರಳಿ

    ♪ toraḷi
    1. = ತೊರಳೆ.
  19. ತೊರಳೆ

    ♪ toraḷe
    1. a large, vascular, lymphatic organ in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity of vertebrates, near the stomach, that has various functions in modifying the structure of the blood and forms part of the immune system; the spleen.
  20. ದರಳೆ

    ♪ daraḷe
    1. = ದರಲೆ1.