1. ಧಾಪು

    ♪ dhāpu
    1. air taken into the lungs and then let out; breath.
    2. the act of breathing; respiration.
  2. ದಾಪು

    ♪ dāpu
    1. the space, amount or degree to which a thing extends; extent.
    2. a small, flat piece of stone, used in games by children.
    3. a relatively longer step or stride.
    4. the act of leaping; a jumping.
    5. a unit of linear measure, equal to the length of a relatively longer step or stride of a person (which is subjective and not a standard one).
    6. the pushing of a marble, in a children's play, with the back of the palm with fingers bent.
  3. ತಾಪು

    ♪ tāpu
    1. a house of prostitution.
    2. a secret place designated for a meeting or assembling.
  4. ದಾಪು

    ♪ dāpu
    1. a place of protection.
  5. ತಾಪು

    ♪ tāpu
    1. to hit, strike or dash against; to attack.
    2. to cause to join; to cause to meet.
    3. to reach; to touch.
  6. ತಪ

    ♪ tapa
    1. the quality of being hot; hotness; heat.
    2. brightness; radiance; brilliance.
    3. the warmest season of the year; summer.
    4. a restraining of one's biological needs, controlling of passions as a penance and living a moral and austere life, to achieve spiritual height.
    5. an afflicted condition; pain; suffering; affliction.
  7. ತಾಪ

    ♪ tāpa
    1. the quality of being hot; hotness; heat.
    2. the condition of having physical or mental distress; a distressing or difficult situation.
  8. ತಪ

    ♪ tapa
    1. a term of twelve years.
  9. ದಪಾ

    ♪ dapā
    1. = ದಫಾ.
  10. ತಪ

    ♪ tapa
    1. the eleventh month in Hindu calendar.
  11. ದಪ

    ♪ dapa
    1. (usu. used in duplicate) a word formed by imitating or used to express the sound of repeated, heavy beatings.
  12. ದಪ

    ♪ dapa
    1. = ದಫಾ.
  13. ತಿಪ್ಪ

    ♪ tippa
    1. Śiva, who lives in grave-yard.
  14. ತಾಪೆ

    ♪ tāpe
    1. = ತಾಪು1.
  15. ತಪ್ಪು

    ♪ tappu
    1. to go off the right path or way; to go astray.
    2. to commit an act of crime, sin; to overstep or break a law.
    3. to go beyond the boundary, limit fixed.
    4. to fail to do, get, etc.; to miss.
    5. not to take place; to fail to occur.
    6. to be or become unavailable.
    7. to cease to exist; to vanish.
    8. to become ineffective or false.
    9. to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive; to lie.
    10. to have a irrepressible desire.
    11. to be damaged severely; to be rendered completely useless.
    12. to fail in achieving one's goal; to be erroneous or inaccurate.
    13. to escape from being hit.
    14. to come to an end; to be over.
    15. ತಪ್ಪದೆ tappade without fail; surely; certainly; ತಪ್ಪಿ ಬರು tappi baru to betray; to cheat; to deceive; 2. to come unexpectedly or unintentionally.
  16. ತಾಪೆ

    ♪ tāpe
    1. a troupe of actors, dancers, singers, etc.
    2. a performance by professional dancing girls; nautch.
    3. a programme of vocal or instrumental music performed by a number of musicians; a music concert.
    4. ತಾಪತ್ರಯದವನಿಗೆ ತಾಪೆ ಯಾಕೆ? tāpatrayadavanige tāpe yāke (prov.) what the wretched one needs is immediate relief, not luxury or glamour.
  17. ತಪ್ಪ

    ♪ tappa
    1. a man of truthfulness, rectitude.
  18. ತುಪ್ಪೆ

    ♪ tuppe
    1. a tall basket used as a corn-storing bin.
    2. the belly.
  19. ತಾಪಿ

    ♪ tāpi
    1. suffering from (excessive) heat.
    2. suffering from bodily fever or mental distress.
    3. heating; making worm or hot.
    4. causing trouble; distressing.
  20. ತುಪ್ಪು

    ♪ tuppu
    1. to eject saliva from the mouth; expectorate; to sit.
    2. to express hatred, contempt, etc., by or as if by ejecting saliva from the mouth.