1. ದುಗ್ಗೆ

    ♪ dugge
    1. = ದುಗ್ಗಿ2.
  2. ತಗ್ಗಿ

    ♪ taggi
    1. the tree Clerodendrum phlomidis of Verbenaceae family; downy glory tree.
  3. ತಗ್ಗು

    ♪ taggu
    1. to sink downward by weight or pressure; to become smaller; to shrink.
    2. to become crooked, curved or bent.
    3. to sustain a slight hollow on (one's) surface (as by a blow or pressure; to become dented.
    4. (pain, disease, etc.) to be cured, healed; to be mitigated.
    5. to become dull or listless; to lack in spirit, zest.
    6. to be or become humble; to act in a servile manner.
    7. to be defeated; to be won over; to be beaten.
  4. ತಗ್ಗು

    ♪ taggu
    1. a hollowed place.
    2. a thing that is small in size or short in height.
    3. the state of being depressed; a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.; depression.
    4. the condition (of prices) being high; costliness; dearness.
    5. the condition of (the surface of a metal container) being dented.
    6. (fig.) a period of time that is hard to manage; difficult time.
  5. ತೆಕ್ಕೆಗೈ

    ♪ tekkegai
    1. to embrace or hug another person); to take into one's arms.
    2. to hold something or someone with the arms firmly and pressingly.
  6. ತೆಗ್ಗು

    ♪ tege
    1. to sink downward by weight or pressure; to become smaller; to shrink.
    2. to become crooked, curved or bent.
    3. to sustain a slight hollow on (one's) surface (as by a blow or pressure; to become dented.
    4. (pain, disease, etc.) to be cured, healed; to be mitigated.
    5. to become dull; to lack in spirit, zest; to be listless.
    6. to be or become humble; to act in a servile manner.
    7. to be defeated; to be won over; to be beaten.
  7. ತೆಗ್ಗು

    ♪ tege
    1. a hollowed place.
    2. a thing that is small in size or short in height.
    3. the state of being depressed; a decrease in force, activity, amount, etc.; depression.
    4. the condition (of prices) being high; costliness; dearness.
    5. the condition of (the surface of a metal container) being dented.
    6. (fig.) a period of time that is hard to manage; difficult time.
  8. ದುಗ್ಗ

    ♪ dugga
    1. a fortified place; a fort.
  9. ದುಗ್ಗಿ

    ♪ duggi
    1. a small vessel or watercraft propelled by oars; a boat.
  10. ದುಗ್ಗಿ

    ♪ duggi
    1. the formidable form of Pārvati, the personified energy of the universe; ದುಗ್ಗಿಬೇನೆ duggi bēne an acute, severe, infectious disease caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae and characterised by profuse diarrhoea, intestinal pain and dehydration; cholera.
  11. ದುಗ್ಗು

    ♪ duggu
    1. a kind of plant, used for medicinal purpose.
  12. ದುಗ್ಗು

    ♪ duggu
    1. fine-cut hay or straw, used as fodder.
  13. ದೊಗ್ಗ

    ♪ dogga
    1. that which has the sharp, acid taste of lemon juice, vinegar, green fruit, etc.; a sour thing.
    2. a thick and sour porridge made using broken rice; a sour gruel.