1. ದಾಟು

    ♪ dāṭu
    1. to jump over from one side to another.
    2. to cross over (a river, etc.).
    3. to go away, to leave; to depart.
    4. to overstep; to transgress.
    5. to cease to live; to die.
  2. ದಾಟು

    ♪ dāṭu
    1. a leaping or jumping forward.
    2. a passing or crossing over.
    3. the fact or an instance of spreading widely (as creepers etc.).
    4. a place to pass through.
    5. an abridging, shortening; abridgement.
    6. an evil happening, disease contracted etc. supposedly caused by stepping on or walking over an inauspicious thing.
    7. (mus.) a moving from one note to another leaving one or more notes in between untouched.
  3. ಥಾಟು

    ♪ thāṭu
    1. ostentatious show or display; pomp; pretentiousness.
  4. ತಾಟು

    ♪ tāṭu
    1. a division of an extent of land.
  5. ತಾಟು

    ♪ tāṭu
    1. a coarse cloth made of jute used for making sacks, in upholstering furniture, as a backing for carpets, etc.; burlap.
    2. a rough, unsewn cloth worn by Jaina or Buddha mendicants.
  6. ತಾಡು

    ♪ tāḍu
    1. a cord, thread, string.
  7. ತಾಟು

    ♪ tāṭu
    1. a broad, metal plate.
  8. ತಾಟು

    ♪ tāṭu
    1. ostentatious show or display; pomp; pretentiousness.
  9. ತಾಟು

    ♪ tāṭu
    1. to strike or smash violently.
    2. to find the product of two or more numbers by multiplication; to multiply.
  10. ತಾಟು

    ♪ tāṭu
    1. the frame of the sloping roof of a building.
  11. ದಡ

    ♪ daḍa
    1. a counter-weight used to offset the weight of the container while weighing something, esp. a liquid.
  12. ತಾಡ

    ♪ tāḍa
    1. = ತಾಟಿನುಂಗು.
    2. a kind of grass.
    3. the act of striking, lashing or hitting.
    4. sound.
  13. ದಡ

    ♪ daḍa
    1. the land along the edge of a sea, lake, river, etc.; the shore; a bank.
    2. the state of being associated congruously or harmoniously.
    3. that which is equal in all or almost all respects to another.
  14. ದಡ

    ♪ daḍa
    1. a word formed onomatopoeically imitating the heavy palpitating or throbbing sound of the heart.
    2. (used in duplicate) the beatings of the heart as from fear, anxiety, etc.
  15. ತಡ

    ♪ taḍa
    1. the land along the edge of a sea, lake, river, etc.; the shore; a bank.
    2. the state of being associated congruously or harmoniously.
    3. that which is equal in all or almost all respects to another.
    4. ತಡವಾಗು2 taḍa vāgu to equal; to be at par; 2. to be or become congruous, harmonious.
  16. ತಟ

    ♪ taṭa
    1. the sloping side of a hill.
    2. land on either side and along a river; bank.
    3. an area, place, region.
    4. a piece of farm land.
    5. the apparent blue space over our heads; the sky.
    6. the line where apparently the sky meets the earth.
  17. ತಡ

    ♪ taḍa
    1. that which stops, obstructs, impedes the course, progress, etc.
    2. the act or an instance of delaying; procrastination.
    3. ತಡ ಮಾಡು1 taḍa māḍu to delay; to postpone doing or take more time to complete something; ತಡವಾಗು1 taḍa vāgu to be delayed; (more time) to be taken in completing something.
  18. ತಡ

    ♪ taḍa
    1. a solid base on which something rests.
  19. ತಡ

    ♪ taḍa
    1. the state of being perplexed; ತಡತಡವಾಗು taḍa taḍavāgu to lose one's balance (either physical or mental); ತಡವಾಗು3 taḍa vāgu to be utterly confused; to be perplexed, bewildered; ತಡ ಮಾಡು2 taḍa māḍu to become anxious.
  20. ದಡ

    ♪ daḍa
    1. the condition or fact of being dense.
    2. bodily strength.