1. ದಳೆ

    ♪ daḷe
    1. a rope or chain fastened to an animal so as to keep it within certain bounds; a tether.
  2. ದಳೆ

    ♪ daḷe
    1. the line formed by sewing together two pieces of cloth; seam.
  3. ದಳೆ

    ♪ daḷe
    1. (a plant) to put forth new leaves luxuriantly.
    2. to join two different pieces of cloth with or as with stitches (using a needle).
    3. (an inflamed, usu. painful, pus-filled swelling or swellings) to boil and burst forth on the skin.
  4. ತಳೆ

    ♪ taḷe
    1. to put on (as a clothing); to wear.
    2. to get; to have.
    3. to hold, seize with the hand.
    4. to receive, accept (something).
    5. to take the burden or responsibility of some onerous task.
    6. to tie; to bind.
  5. ತಳೆ

    ♪ taḷe
    1. a light, small, portable, usu. circular cover for protection from rain or sun, consisting of a fabric held on a collapsible frame of thin ribs radiating from the top of a carrying stick or handle; an umbrella.
    2. a similar article but used symbolically in a wedding.
  6. ತಳೆ

    ♪ taḷe
    1. a rope or chain fastened to an animal so as to keep it within certain bounds; a tether.
  7. ತಾಳೆ

    ♪ tāḷe
    1. the act or fact of agreeing, tallying, corresponding (with another thing, statement, etc.); agreement; correspondence.
  8. ತಾಳೆ

    ♪ tāḷe
    1. the palm tree Borassus flabellifer (= B. flabelliformis) of Arecaceae family; palmyra palm.
    2. the tree Pandanus fascicularis (= P. odouratissimus, = P. tectorius) of Pandanaceae family.
    3. its very fragrant flower.
  9. ತಳೆ

    ♪ taḷe
    1. to scatter (water, perfume, etc.) in drops; to sprinkle.
    2. to drop (grains, powder, etc.) over something or over a certain area.
    3. to plant seeds in or on (a field, ground, earth, etc.) to sow.
    4. to throw here and there or strew loosely; to scatter in a disorderly manner.
    5. to beat, pound severely; to flog.
  10. ತಳ್

    ♪ taḷ
    1. anything that retards movement or progress; an impediment; an obstacle; a hindrance.
  11. ತಳ್

    ♪ taḷ
    1. to clothe, adorn or put on.
    2. to become spread throughout all parts; to pervade.
    3. to come out from within.
    4. to occur; to happen; to befall; to take place.
    5. to appear; to be seen.
    6. to put forth young leaves.
  12. ತಾಳ

    ♪ tāḷa
    1. the inner surface of the hand; the palm.
    2. the distance between the tips of the thumb and forefinger when stretched apart (used as a unit of linear measure).
    3. the act of striking the hands together, as in applauding; clapping.
    4. a fastening device that has a movable lever, attached to the doorjamb.
    5. an oxide of sulphur.
    6. the palm tree Borassum flabellifer (= B. flabelliformis) of Arecaceae family.
    7. a pair of small, round, slightly hollowed bronze or brass plates used to maintain time in music by striking together.
    8. a measure of regular pace in music.
    9. (pros.) a kind of metre.
    10. an old unit of time.
  13. ತಾಳ

    ♪ tāḷa
    1. a share-like part of a weeding implement.
  14. ತಳ್

    ♪ taḷ
    1. to be associated, mixed (with); to join or be intertwined.
    2. to clasp in one's arms; to embrace.
    3. to align properly with; to be in correspondence with.
    4. (a large group) to assemble in a relatively narrower place.
    5. to fasten (oneself) as by gluing; to stick (to).
    6. to set firmly (into the ground); to fix; to plant.
  15. ತಾಳ್

    ♪ tāḷ
    1. = ತಾಳು3.
  16. ತಾಳ್

    ♪ tāḷ
    1. the passage through the neck to the stomach and lungs; the throat.
  17. ತಳ್

    ♪ taḷ
    1. to set oneself against another; to oppose; to fight.
    2. to obstruct, impede another's movement, progress.
  18. ತಳ

    ♪ taḷa
    1. an extent of level land; plain.
    2. the inner surface of the hand between the fingers and wrist; the palm of the land.
    3. the bottom surface of the foot; the sole.
    4. the lowest part (of anything).
    5. the lowest or last place or position.
    6. the quality or condition of being deep; deepness.
    7. profundity of thought.
    8. a piece of land the surface of which is depressed below the surface of land surrounding it; a hollow; depression.
    9. (gen.) a piece of land; ground.
    10. the palmyra tree Borassus flabellifer (= B. flabelliformis) of Arecaceae family; palmyra palm.
    11. a leather guard for the hands used by archers.
    12. the essential character or quality that makes something what it is; essence.
    13. the handle of a sword or dagger.
    14. the part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist; the forearm.
    15. the pressing of the strings of a v īṇe, the Indian lute, while playing on.
    16. an extensive track of land covered by natural and thick growth of trees, under-bushes, etc.; a forest.
    17. (myth.) one of the seven regions below the earth.
    18. that part of the agricultural produce which a tenant has to give to the landlord as lease-rent.
    19. the distance between the tips of the thumb and the little finger, when stretched apart (used as an approx. unit of linear measurement).
    20. the part of the body on which one rests while sitting vertically straight.
    21. (gen.) a place, locality or region.
    22. one's native town, village.
    23. (fig.) skill in using one's hand; dexterity.
    24. all that part of a building on the same floor; a storey.
  19. ತಾಳ್

    ♪ tāḷ
    1. = ತಾಳು1.
  20. ತಾಳ್

    ♪ tāḷ
    1. = ತಾಳು2.