1. ದಳನ

    ♪ daḷana
    1. the act, fact or an instance of breaking, cleaving or splitting.
    2. the act, fact or an instance of destroying; destruction.
  2. ತಳಿನ

    ♪ taḷina
    1. situated below or beneath.
    2. of low quality, position, status, etc.
    3. thin; rare; tenuous; not dense or heavy.
    4. little in size, quantity, extent, etc.
    5. situated apart; being unconnected; separate.
  3. ತಳಿನ

    ♪ taḷina
    1. a mattress used to sleep on, consisting of a quilted or similarly fastened case, usu. of heavy cloth; a bed.
    2. that which has less thickness compared to its length and breadth; a thin object.
  4. ತೆಳ್ಳನೆ

    ♪ teḷḷane
    1. = ತೆಳ್ಳಗೆ.
  5. ತೈಳೀನ

    ♪ taiḷīna
    1. = ತೈಲೀನ.