1. ದರ್ಶನ

    ♪ darśana
    1. the act of seeing or being seen.
    2. that which is seen.
    3. a meeting with another face to face.
    4. the act of showing or bringing to another's notice.
    5. a gift presented to a person of reverence or who is in power, at the time of meeting.
    6. something perceived in a dream, trance, etc. or supernaturally revealed, as to a prophet; vision.
    7. a possessing by a supernatural spirit and ruling his or her emotion, thoughts and actions.
    8. any of the philosophical schools or their thoughts.
    9. ದರ್ಶನ ಕೊಡು darśana koḍu to grace by appearing in person; 2. (sarc.) to appear; to be seen; ದರ್ಶನ ಬರು darśana baru to possess a person's emotion, actions, thoughts, etc. completely (as by an evil spirit).
  2. ದರಶನ

    ♪ daraśana
    1. a garland of white or colourless glass beads and corals.
  3. ದರಿಶನ

    ♪ dariśana
    1. = ದರಶನ.
  4. ದರುಶನ

    ♪ daruśana
    1. the act of seeing or being seen.
    2. that which is seen.
    3. a gift presented to a person of reverence or that is in power, at the time of meeting.
    4. the mental vision in which something or someone appears before the mind, distracting the mind from the object being meditated upon.
    5. the philosophical revelation of the propounder of a particular school.
    6. ದರುಶನಕೊಡು daruśana koḍu to grace by appearing in person; 2. (sarc.) to appear.