1. ದತ್ತೆಲೆ

    ♪ dattele.
    1. the plant Psychotria dalzellii of Rubiaceae family.
  2. ತತ್ತಳ

    ♪ tattaḷa
    1. an onomatopoeic word - a) imitating the sound made by boiling water; the boiling or gurgling sound; b) expressing the fact of something shining.
    2. the condition of utter confusion or the fact of being utterly confused.
  3. ತತ್ತಳ

    ♪ tattaḷa
    1. the very bottom; rock-bottom.
  4. ತುತ್ತಲ್

    ♪ tuttal
    1. a wall built round a building or space; a compound.
  5. ತೈತಿಲ

    ♪ taitila
    1. any of several large, thick-skinned, perissodactylous mammals of the family Rhinocerotidae, having one or two upright horns on the snout; rhinoceros.
    2. name of an ancient country.
  6. ತೌದಲೆ

    ♪ taudale
    1. a ceasing to exist; death or destruction.
  7. ತೊದಲ್

    ♪ todal
    1. = ತೊದಲು1.
  8. ತೊದಲ್

    ♪ todal
    1. = ತೊದಲು2.
  9. ತೊದಲ

    ♪ todala
    1. a man who speaks with involuntary pauses or blocks with rapid repetitions of syllables or initial sounds due to muscular spasms; a stammerer.
  10. ತೊದಲು

    ♪ todalu
    1. to speak or say with involuntary pauses or blocks, often with rapid repetitions of syllables or initial sounds, as temporarily from excitement, embarrassment, etc. or chronically as a result of muscle spasms believed to result from mental conflicts; stutter.
    2. (said of a child learning to speak) to speak with indistinct but simple syllables; to lisp.
  11. ತೊದಲು

    ♪ todalu
    1. a stammering mode of utterance.
    2. a stammered utterance.
    3. indistinct utterance of a child that is learning speech.
    4. a false statement made with a deliberate intention to misrepresent fact or facts; a lie.
    5. suspicion - a) an instance of suspecting guilt, a wrong, harmfulness, etc. with little or no supporting evidence; b) the feeling or state of mind of a person who suspects.
    6. the act or an instance of cheating; fraud.
  12. ತೊದಳು

    ♪ todaḷu
    1. = ತೊದಲು1.
  13. ತೊದಳು

    ♪ todaḷu
    1. = ತೊದಲು2.
  14. ತೂತೇಳು

    ♪ tūtēḷu
    1. (a hole) to be bored.
  15. ತೊದಳ್

    ♪ todaḷ
    1. = ತೊದಲು1.
  16. ತೊತ್ತಳ

    ♪ tottaḷa
    1. a disorderly or confused collection or mass of things; jumble; hodgepodge.
    2. the act of trampling heavily on.
    3. the act of taking (another) into one's control.
    4. the rate or rapidity of any action.
    5. the condition of being fastened or bound by.
  17. ತೊತ್ತಳಿ

    ♪ tottaḷi
    1. = ತೊತ್ತಳ.
  18. ತೊತ್ತುಳಿ

    ♪ tottuḷi
    1. to trample heavily on (as to make the object being trampled a shapeless mass).
  19. ತೊದಳ್

    ♪ todaḷ
    1. = ತೊದಲು2.
  20. ತೊದಳ

    ♪ todaḷa
    1. = ತೊದಲ.