1. ದತ್ತು

    ♪ dattu
    1. = ದತ್ತಕ.
  2. ತತ್ತು

    ♪ tattu
    1. an instance or the fact of tripping or missing one's step in walking, running, etc.; a falling top forward; stumble.
    2. liability to injury, damage, etc.; danger; peril.
  3. ತತ್ತು

    ♪ tattu
    1. (a pronoun used as a noun, meaning) the Supreme; the God; He.
    2. ತತ್ತಾಗು tattāgu to become one with the God.
  4. ತತ್ತು

    ♪ tattu
    1. the act of joining, mixing, associating oneself with another; the condition of being so.
    2. a part or portion of a whole that belongs or is allotted to an individual; a share.
    3. ತತ್ತು ಮಾಡಿಸು tattu māḍisu to cause to unite, associate or blend.
  5. ತತ್ತು

    ♪ tattu
    1. to clasp (another) in one's arms; to blend, mingle or associate oneself with cohesively.
  6. ತತು

    ♪ tatu
    1. = ತತಿ1.
  7. ದಾದು

    ♪ dādu
    1. observant care; careful attention.
    2. a man who pays attention.
    3. a master; an owner.
    4. laudatory appreciation.
    5. ದಾದುಫಿರ್ಯಾದು dādu phiryādu a legal owner or inheritor; a heir; 2. a dispute or objection that can be or is being legally enquired; ದಾದುಫಿರ್ಯಾದು ಇಲ್ಲದಿರು dādu phiryādu illadiru to be disguised or in cognito; to be away without revealing one's address or condition of being; ದಾದು ಮಾಡು dādu māḍu to pay attention; to attend heedfully.
  8. ಧಾತು

    ♪ dhātu
    1. (chem.) any substance that cannot be separated into different substances by ordinary chemical methods.
    2. any of the five (the earth, air, fire, water and ether) formerly believed to constitute all physical matter (sometimes, four, without considering the ether).
    3. any of the seven elements in the body (chyle, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and semen).
    4. any of the three humours in the body (wind, bile and phlegm).
    5. an inorganic (sometimes organic also, as coal) substance occurring naturally in the earth and having a consistent and distinctive set of physical properties, and a composition that can be expressed by a chemical formula; a mineral.
    6. any of a class of chemical elements, as iron, gold or aluminium, got in the form of ore from the earth; a metal.
    7. the individual soul or the Supreme Soul.
    8. any of the five sense organs.
    9. any of the five impressions (sound, light, taste, odour, and sense got through the skin) received through five sense organs.
    10. any of the separate parts of the hard connective tissue forming the skeleton of most full-grown vertebrate animals; a bone.
    11. an earthy clay coloured by iron oxide, usu. yellow or reddish brown, used as a pigment in paints; ochre.
    12. the essential character of a thing; quality or qualities that make something what it is; essence; nature.
    13. the thick, whitish fluid secreted by the male reproductive organs and containing the spermatozoa; the semen.
    14. a being able; power to do; ability.
    15. courage; bravery.
    16. the tenth year in a cycle of sixty years.
    17. the state of being conscious; consciousness.
    18. (arith.) a symbol for the number seven.
    19. (gram.) the element of a word; a grammatical or verbal root or stem of a word.
    20. (mus.) modulated sound produced using different notes differently on different occasions.
  9. ದಾತ

    ♪ dāta
    1. that has been cut.
  10. ದಾದ

    ♪ dāda
    1. a man as related to his son or daughter; a male parent; a father.
    2. a term used in addressing an elderly man.
  11. ತತ

    ♪ tata
    1. extending or extended over a relatively large area.
  12. ತತ

    ♪ tata
    1. any stringed musical instrument.
    2. air.
    3. any percussion instrument having tied with a skin membrane on one or both sides.
  13. ದತ್ತ

    ♪ datta
    1. that which is given.
    2. a boy adopted into one's own family by legal process as a son.
    3. the abbreviated form of Dattātrēya, one of the Hindu Gods.
    4. a suffix used in names of men.
  14. ದಾತ

    ♪ dāta
    1. = ದಾತಾರ1.
  15. ತತ್ತ

    ♪ tatta
    1. past. & pp of the verb ತಳ್2.
  16. ಥತ್

    ♪ that
    1. a term used to express one's disgust, disappointment, contempt, etc.
  17. ತತ್ತ

    ♪ tatta
    1. that which is or has been; a thing that has actually happened or is really true.
  18. ತಾತ

    ♪ tāta
    1. one's male parent; father.
    2. the father of one's father or mother; grand-father.
    3. an aged man.
    4. a term of respectful familiarity to any elderly man.
  19. ತತ್ತ

    ♪ tatta
    1. past. & pp of the verb ತಳ್3.
  20. ದತ್ತ

    ♪ datta
    1. that is given, gifted or provided with.