1. ತಂತು

    ♪ tantu
    1. a thread - a) a light, fine, string-like length of material made up of two or more fibres or strands of spun cotton, flax, silk, etc. twisted together and used in sewing; b) a similar fine length of synthetic material, as nylon or plastic or of glass or metal; c) the fine, stringy filament extruded by a spider, silkworm, etc.; d) any of the yarns of which a fabric is woven.
    2. something that connects, binds, joins or brings together different people; ತಂತು ಮಾತ್ರ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ tantu mātra brāhmaṇa = ತಂತು ಹಾರುವ; ತಂತು ಮಾತ್ರ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣ್ಯ tantu mātra brāhmaṇya the life or condition of a brāhmaṇa who does not observe the duties and rites of a brāhmaṇa.
  2. ತಂತು

    ♪ tantu
    1. a crafty or underhanded device, manoeuvre, stratagem or the like, intended to deceive or cheat; an artifice; a trick.
    2. that which forms an important, core part of a whole; a thing, subject that is of much significance, consequence or value.
  3. ದಂತ

    ♪ danta
    1. any of a set of hard, bonelike structures set in the jaws of most vertebrates that consists typically of a sensitive, vascular pulp surrounded by dentin and coated on the crown with enamel and on the root with cementum, and used for biting, tearing, chewing, and also as weapons of attack or defence; a tooth.
    2. a very long, large, pointed tooth, usu. one of a pair, projecting outside the mouth in elephants, wild boars, walruses, etc., and used for defence, digging up food, etc.; a tusk.
    3. the crest or summit of a hill or mountain ending in a point; a peak.
    4. the table land by the side or around a mountain.
    5. a thick growth of shrubs or underbrush; a thicket.
    6. the thin point, tip of a weapon (as of a sword).
    7. the plant Croton tigilium of Euphorbiaceae family the seeds of which are used as a purgative.
    8. (math.) the symbol for the number thirty-two.
  4. ತಾಂತ

    ♪ tānta
    1. tired; fatigued.
    2. not working; not busy; inactive; idle.
    3. withered; languished; not having freshness.
  5. ತಾಂತ

    ♪ tānta
    1. a word that ends with the sound 'ತ'.
  6. ದಂತ

    ♪ danta
    1. (hist.) an ancient tax.
  7. ದಾಂತ

    ♪ dānta
    1. a word or unit of sound that ends with the sound of 'ದ'.
  8. ದಾಂತ

    ♪ dānta
    1. subdued; overcome.
    2. tamed; domesticated; trained to be submissive.
  9. ದಾಂತ

    ♪ dānta
    1. a subduing of one's passions.
    2. a man who has subdued his passions.
  10. ತೀಂತೆ

    ♪ tīṇte
    1. = ತೀಟೆ.
  11. ತುಂದಿ

    ♪ tundi
    1. a man with protuberant, bulging navel.
  12. ತೂಂತು

    ♪ tūntu
    1. to fill (a space) beyond normal capacity by pressing or squeezing; to cram.
  13. ತೂಂತು

    ♪ tūntu
    1. a hollow place in a solid body or mass; a narrow excavation made in the ground; a cavity; a hole.
  14. ತೂಂತು

    ♪ tūntu
    1. the act of emitting or discharging forcefully (a liquid in continuous drops).
    2. the act or an instance of blowing air in puffs from the mouth.
  15. ತೊಂತು

    ♪ tontu
    1. to attack in a forceful, violent, hostile or aggressive way.
    2. to cover from all or almost all sides; to coil or twine about something.
    3. ತೊಂತಿಕೊಳ್ಳು tonti koḷḷu to coil or twine about something; 2. to extend oneself or become distributed over a wide area; to spread; 3. to become tangled; to be hindered, entwined by.
  16. ತೊಂತು

    ♪ tontu
    1. a large number of people or things gathered closely together; crowd.
  17. ತಂತಿ

    ♪ tanti
    1. a slender, string-like piece or filament of relatively rigid or flexible metal, usu. circular in section, of different diameters; a wire.
    2. a slender cord of wire stretched on a musical instrument and bowed, plucked or struck to make a musical sound; a string.
    3. a message transmitted by telegraph; telegram.
  18. ದೊಂದೆ

    ♪ donde
    1. a bunch of cut stalks of grain, bound up in a bundle; a sheaf.
    2. a thick piece of resinous wood, dipped in tallow, flaming at one end; a lighted torch; a flambeau.
  19. ದಂತಿ

    ♪ danti
    1. a tusked elephant (but in gen. any elephant).
    2. the plant Croton tigilium of Euphorbiaceae family.
    3. its seed which is used as a purgative.
    4. the plant Baliospermum montanum (= B. axillare, = Croton polyandrus of the same family.
    5. the plant Datura stramonium of Solanaceae family.
    6. the plant Anthericum tuberosum (= Chlorophytum tuberosum) of Liliaceae family.
    7. (math.) a symbol for the number eight.
  20. ದಂಧೆ

    ♪ dandhe
    1. a means of earning one's living; occupation; livelihood.
    2. anything one has to do; task; duty.
    3. the buying and selling of commodities or the bartering of goods; trade; commerce.