1. ಡಿಂಭ

    ♪ ḍimbha
    1. = ಡಿಂಬ2 - 1.
    2. a newly born child or a newly born animal.
    3. a man lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; a stupid fellow.
    4. the uterus of the human female; the womb.
  2. ಡಿಂಬ

    ♪ ḍimba
    1. small; tiny.
  3. ಡಿಂಬ

    ♪ ḍimba
    1. the physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person; the body.
    2. a very young child or young of an animal.
    3. a rising up against the government, authority etc.; rebellion; insurrection; revolt.
    4. a great misfortune or disaster as a flood or the onset of something harmful or troublesome, as a disease, etc.
    5. any round or spherical object; sphere; globe.
    6. the usu. roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, containing the germ of a new individual along with food for its development, and having an enclosing shell or membrane; an egg.
  4. ಡಂಬ

    ♪ ḍamba
    1. the headquarter of a district having about five hundred villages or small towns.
  5. ಡಂಬ

    ♪ ḍamba
    1. a deceitful act of speech.
    2. a pretending to be what one is not or to feel what one does not feel; hypocrisy.
    3. an unduly high opinion of oneself, one's merits, possession, status, etc.; exaggerated self-conceit; pride; vanity.
    4. a man whose actions belie stated beliefs; he who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., which he does not actually possess; a hypocrite.
    5. a cheat; a deceiver; a fraud.
    6. an entertainer who is skilled in producing illusion by sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; a magician.
    7. a snake charmer.
    8. great or special power, ability or faculty.
    9. haughty or arrogant behaviour.
  6. ಡಂಭ

    ♪ ḍambha
    1. = ಡಂಬ1.
  7. ಡೊಂಬಿ

    ♪ ḍombi
    1. a disorganised collection of persons; a crowd.
    2. a noisy and confused situation (esp. created by a crowd).
    3. an open, forcible or passive resistance to an authority, administration, etc.; a mutiny; a revolt.
  8. ಡೊಂಬಿ

    ♪ ḍombi
    1. = ಡೊಂಬ2.
  9. ಡೊಂಬು

    ♪ ḍombu
    1. = ಡೊಂಬಿ1.
  10. ಡೊಂಬು

    ♪ ḍombu
    1. = ಡೊಂಬ2.
  11. ಡೊಂಬು

    ♪ ḍombu
    1. a deep spot in a river or water tank.
  12. ಡೊಂಬೆ

    ♪ ḍombe
    1. = ಡೊಂಬಿ1.
  13. ಡೊಂಬೆ

    ♪ ḍombe
    1. = ಡೊಂಬಿತಿ2.
  14. ಡಂಬು

    ♪ ḍambu
    1. = ಡಂಬ1 - 1, 2 & 3.
  15. ಡಿಂಬು

    ♪ ḍimbu
    1. = ಡಿಂಬ2 - 1.
    2. a natural elevation of earth; a raised track of land; a mound.
  16. ಡಿಂಭೆ

    ♪ ḍimbhe
    1. a newly born child.
  17. ಡೊಂಬ

    ♪ ḍomba
    1. (masc.) a skilled performer of gymnastic feats, that requires skilful control of the body, as walking on a tightrope or swinging on a trapeze; an acrobat.
    2. a caste, members of which are generally engaged in acrobatics.
    3. ಡೊಂಬರ ಕೋಡಗ ḍombara kōḍaga (fig.) a person whose actions are prompted and controlled by another or others; a puppet; ಡೊಂಬರ ಲಾಗ ḍombara lāga the skilful tumbling of an acrobat.
    4. (fig.) all one's efforts (to achieve something); ಡೊಂಬರಾಟ ḍombarāṭa a theatrical, sensational actions or course of an action, often hypocritical, done to impress others or gain some personal advantages.
  18. ಡೊಂಬ

    ♪ ḍomba
    1. a deceitful act of speech.
    2. a pretending to be what one is not or to feel what one does not feel; hypocrisy.
    3. an unduly high opinion of oneself, one's merits, possession, status, etc.; exaggerated self-conceit; pride; vanity.
    4. a man whose actions belie stated beliefs; he who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., which he does not actually possess; a hypocrite.
    5. a cheat; a deceiver; a fraud.
    6. an entertainer who is skilled in producing illusion by sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; a magician.
    7. a snake charmer.
    8. great or special power, ability or faculty.
    9. haughty or arrogant behaviour.