1. ಡಂಭಕ

    ♪ ḍambhaka
    1. = ಡಂಬಕ.
  2. ಡಂಬಕ

    ♪ ḍambaka
    1. a man who acts dishonestly, deceives or defrauds; a cheat.
    2. he who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., which he does not actually possess; a hypocrite.
    3. a deceitful act.
    4. a pretending to be what one is not or to feel what one does not feel; hypocrisy.
  3. ಡಂಬಕಿ

    ♪ ḍambaki
    1. a woman who acts pretends what she is not; a pretentious woman; a hypocrite.
  4. ಡಂಬಿಕ್ಕು

    ♪ ḍambikku
    1. to display oneself, one's possessions, status, importance, possessions, etc. in vain.
  5. ಡಂಬಿಗ

    ♪ ḍambiga
    1. = ಡಂಬಗಾರ - 1.
  6. ಡಂಬುಕ

    ♪ ḍambka
    1. a wedge like tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping stone; a stone chisel.
  7. ಡಾಂಬಿಕ

    ♪ ḍāmbika
    1. a man whose actions belie stated beliefs; he who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., which he does not actually possess; a hypocrite.
    2. a pretending to be what one is not or to feel what one does not feel; hypocricy.
  8. ಡಾಂಭಿಕ

    ♪ ḍāmbhika
    1. = ಡಾಂಬಿಕ.
  9. ಡಿಂಭಕ

    ♪ ḍimbhaka
    1. = ಡಿಂಭ.
  10. ಡೊಂಬಿಗ

    ♪ ḍombiga
    1. a man who creates agitation, disorder in a community or society.
    2. a man who invades, attacks or one who provokes people against the ruling authority.
  11. ಡೊಂಬಿಗ

    ♪ ḍombiga
    1. a man whose actions belie stated beliefs; he who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., which he does not actually possess; a hypocrite.
  12. ಡೊಂಬಿಗೈ

    ♪ ḍombigai
    1. = ಡೊಂಬಿಮಾಡು.