1. ಝಸ

    ♪ jhasa
    1. = ಝಷ.
  2. ಝಸ

    ♪ jhasa
    1. quickness; swiftness.
  3. ಝಸ

    ♪ jhasa
    1. an accomplishing; completion; accomplishment.
    2. a favourable or satisfactory outcome or result; success.
    3. good reputation; renown; fame.
    4. the quality of being grand; splendour; magnificence.
  4. ಜಸ

    ♪ jasa
    1. an accomplishing; completion; accomplishment.
    2. a favourable or satisfactory outcome or result; success.
    3. god reputation; renown; fame.
    4. the quality of being grand; splendour; magnificence.
  5. ಜಸ

    ♪ jasa
    1. a cold-blooded vertebrate animal living in water and having permanent gills for breathing, fins, and, usu., scales; a fish.
  6. ಜೊಸೆ

    ♪ jose
    1. a female human being; a woman.
  7. ಜಸೆ

    ♪ jase
    1. the manner or state of being; condition; situation.
    2. the seemingly chance happening of events that affect someone; fortune; luck.
  8. ಜೈಸು

    ♪ jaisu
    1. to win - a) to finish first in a race, contest or the like; b) to succeed by striving; c) to gain the victory; to overcome an adversary; d) to succeed in reaching (a place, condition, etc.), esp. by great effort; e) to get by effort, as through labour, competition or conquest; f) to gain (a prize, fame, etc.); g) to be successful in (a game, legal dispute, battle, etc.) or against odds; h) to make (one's way), as by effort or ability; i) to attain or reach (a point, goal, etc.); j) to gain (favour, love, consent, etc.), as by qualities or influence; k) to gain the consent or support of.
  9. ಜೋಸಿ

    ♪ jōsi
    1. = ಜೋಯಿಸ - 2.
  10. ಜೋಸೆ

    ♪ jōse
    1. a woman (in gen.).
  11. ಝಷ

    ♪ jhaṣa
    1. fish in gen.
  12. ಜೋಶಿ

    ♪ jōśi
    1. = ಜೋಯಿಸ - 2.
  13. ಜೋಷ

    ♪ jōṣa
    1. the state of being pleased or satisfied.
  14. ಝಷೆ

    ♪ jhaṣe
    1. the vine Luffa acutangula (= Cucumis acutangula) of Cucurbitaceae family.
    2. its gourd, used as a vegetable.