1. ಝಜ್ಜರ

    ♪ jhajjara
    1. reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear or neglect; infirm; worn out; shattered.
    2. weakened by mental distress, agony, etc.
  2. ಝಜ್ಜರ

    ♪ jhajjara
    1. a broken, uneven or interrupted tone or voice.
    2. a low voice.
  3. ಜಜ್ಜಾರ

    ♪ jajjāra
    1. occurring or existing in a high degree; very strong; violent, extreme, sharp.
  4. ಜಜ್ಜಾರ

    ♪ jajjāra
    1. a courageous, undaunted man.
    2. the quality of being brave, courageous; courage; bravery.
    3. open armed conflict between two hostile armies.
    4. an army of courageous soldiers.
    5. (fig.) a cruel or inhuman action.
  5. ಜಜ್ಜರ

    ♪ jajjara
    1. a broken, uneven or interrupted tone or voice.
    2. a low voice.
  6. ಜಜ್ಜರ

    ♪ jajjara
    1. reduced to or fallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age, wear or neglect; infirm; worn out; shattered.
    2. weakened by mental distress, agony, etc.
  7. ಜಝಾರೇ

    ♪ jajhārē
    1. an interjection in praising, encouraging; 'bravo'! 'well donṛ.
  8. ಜಜ್ಜರಿ

    ♪ jajjari
    1. an opening made by or as by cleaving; a crack; a rift; a cleft.
  9. ಜಜ್ಜರಿ

    ♪ jajjari
    1. a sort of percussion drum.
    2. the sound made by a stream or river falling down from a considerable height.
  10. ಜಜ್ಜುರಿ

    ♪ jajjuri
    1. a fabulous tree Antiaris toxicaria of Moraceae family; upas tree.