1. ಝಂಪು

    ♪ jhampu
    1. temporary loss of one's bodily awareness, resulting from rapture, melody, tiredness, etc.; the state of being stupefied.
    2. a state in which the mind and senses are dulled for want of sleep; sleepiness; drowsiness.
  2. ಜಂಪು

    ♪ jampu
    1. a box or enclosed structure made of wires, bars, etc., for confining birds or animals; a cage.
  3. ಜಂಪು

    ♪ jampu
    1. temporary loss of one's bodily awareness, resulting from rapture, melody, tiredness, etc.; the state of being stupefied.
    2. a state in which the mind and senses are dulled for want of sleep; sleepiness; drowsiness.
  4. ಜಂಪು

    ♪ jampu
    1. imposing beauty; splendour; magnificence.
  5. ಜಂಪು

    ♪ jampu
    1. = ಜಂಪ1.
  6. ಜಂಪು

    ♪ jampu
    1. a kind of ornament for the ears.
  7. ಜಂಪ

    ♪ jampa
    1. the act of jumping; a jump, a leap.
  8. ಜಂಪ

    ♪ jampa
    1. a cluster of things that are naturally grown together; a bunch.
    2. that which packed tightly together or is dense.
    3. a latticework supported by pillars, and is covered by intertwining vines; an arbour.
  9. ಝಂಪ

    ♪ jhanpa
    1. the act of jumping; a jump, a leap.
  10. ಜೋಂಪು

    ♪ jōmpu
    1. temporary loss of one's bodily awareness, resulting from rapture, melody, tiredness, etc.; the state of being stupefied.
    2. a state in which the mind and senses are dulled for want of sleep; sleepiness; drowsiness.
  11. ಜೋಂಪು

    ♪ jōmpu
    1. = ಜೋಂಪ.
  12. ಝಂಪೆ

    ♪ jhampe
    1. (mus.) a mode of keeping time (rhythmic cycle) in Karnāṭaka system, (having 3+1+2, 4+1+2, 5+1+2 or 7+1+2 units each of which, gen. has four short notes).
  13. ಝೊಂಪು

    ♪ jhompu
    1. temporary loss of one's bodily awareness, resulting from rapture, melody, tiredness, etc.; the state of being stupefied.
    2. a state in which the mind and senses are dulled for want of sleep; sleepiness; drowsiness.
  14. ಝೋಂಪು

    ♪ jhōmpu
    1. = ಝೊಂಪು.
  15. ಜಂಪೆ

    ♪ jampe
    1. (mus.) a mode of keeping time (rhythmic cycle) in Karnāṭaka system, (having 3+1+2, 4+1+2, 5+1+2 or 7+1+2 units each of which, gen. has four short notes).
  16. ಜಂಪೆ

    ♪ jampe
    1. a portion of a house.
  17. ಜೊಂಪ

    ♪ jompa
    1. = ಜೊಂಪೆ.
  18. ಜೊಂಪ

    ♪ jompa
    1. = ಜೊಂಪು1.
  19. ಜೊಂಪು

    ♪ jompu
    1. temporary loss of one's bodily awareness, resulting from rapture, melody, tiredness, etc.; the state of being stupefied.
    2. a state in which the mind and senses are dulled for want of sleep; sleepiness; drowsiness.
  20. ಜೊಂಪು

    ♪ jompu
    1. = ಜೊಂಪೆ.