1. ಜತ್ರು

    ♪ jatru
    1. a bone connecting the sternum with the scapula; the collarbone; the clavicle.
  2. ಜಾತ್ರೆ

    ♪ jātre
    1. a journey made to a shrine or holy place; pilgrimage.
    2. a festival of a local deity observed by large number of people coming together on a particular day.
    3. people gathered for such a purpose.
    4. business transactions, in totality, that happens during such a period.
  3. ಜೇತಾರ

    ♪ jētāra
    1. a man who can win, can be successful, has won or is successful.
  4. ಜೈತ್ರ

    ♪ jaitra
    1. won; got success; successful (in a war, expedition, venture, etc.).
  5. ಜೈತ್ರ

    ♪ jaitra
    1. a man who has won or is successful; victorious.
    2. the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist.
    3. achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavour against odds or difficulties.