the quality that makes a thing (as the blade of a knife) suitable for use in cutting or piercing; sharpness.
a thing that is biting. piercing or sharp, keen, etc.
the quality of a person who is quick in grasping, thinking or learning; dexterousness; adroitness.
excessive heat of fire or bodily heat.
the ability or quality of being quick; quickness; nimbleness; agility.
dearness in price.
sharp, biting or smarting pain or sensation (caused by a slapping, whipping, poignant or pungent remark, etc.).
ಚುರುಕುಮಾಡು curuku māḍu = ಚುರುಕುಗೊಳಿಸು; ಚುರುಕುಮುಟ್ಟಿಸು curuku muṭṭisu to punish, by beating; 2. (fig.) to cause pain by scolding, condemning sharply; ಚುರುಕು ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಾಯಿ curuku meṇasina kāyi the plant Capsicum minimum of Solanaceae family; 2. its small but very hot pod; needle pepper; 3. (fig.) a small boy or girl, small in stature but very sharp, intelligent and active.