1. ಛಾತ್ರ

    ♪ chātra
    1. a boy who is enrolled for study at a school, college, etc. for studying a course; a student.
  2. ಚತ್ರ

    ♪ catra
    1. a building where shelter (sometimes food also) provided benevolently to people, esp. wayfarers.
  3. ಛತ್ರ

    ♪ chatra
    1. a building where shelter (sometimes food also) provided benevolently to people, esp. wayfarers.
  4. ಚದರ

    ♪ cadara
    1. a plane figure with four angles and four sides.
    2. an area one hundred square feet used as a unit of measurement of surface area.
  5. ಚತ್ರ

    ♪ catra
    1. = ಚತ್ರಿ.
  6. ಚಾತ್ರ

    ♪ cātra
    1. a pupil or follower of any teacher; a disciple.
  7. ಚಾದರ

    ♪ cādara
    1. a large, rectangular piece of cotton, linen, silk, etc., used on a bed or as a wrapper over the body; a sheet; bedspread.
    2. an oblong cloth, interlaced with silk threads, worn as a covering for the head or shoulders; a shawl.
  8. ಛತ್ರ

    ♪ chatra
    1. = ಛತ್ರಿ2.
    2. an umbrella-like shade held for a deity or king in a procession, as a symbol of dignity.
    3. any of various rapidly growing, fleshy fungi, typically having a stalk capped with an umbrellalike top; mushroom.
    4. (astrol.) an instance of all the planets being in the house of birth and other six houses from seventh to twelfth, at the time of one's birth.
  9. ಚದುರ

    ♪ cadura
    1. having or showing an alert mind or high intelligence; clever; intelligent; wise.
    2. attractive, beautiful; lovely.
  10. ಚತುರ

    ♪ catura
    1. having or showing an alert mind or high intelligence; clever; intelligent; wise.
    2. characterised by much action or motion; lively, active, agile, quick.
    3. having ability; able to do things well; skilled; competent; capable.
  11. ಚತುರ

    ♪ catura
    1. = ಚತು.
  12. ಚದುರ್

    ♪ cadur
    1. = ಚದುರು2.
  13. ಚದರು

    ♪ cadaru
    1. = ಚದರ.
  14. ಚದುರ

    ♪ cadura
    1. an intelligent, clever man.
    2. a capable, competent man.
    3. cleverness; deftness; dexterity; ingenuity.
  15. ಚದರು

    ♪ cadaru
    1. = ಚದುರು1.
  16. ಚತ್ತರಿ

    ♪ cattari
    1. = ಚತ್ರಿ.
  17. ಚದುರೆ

    ♪ cadure
    1. an intelligent, clever woman.
    2. a capable, competent woman.
  18. ಚದುರು

    ♪ caduru
    1. = ಚದರ.
  19. ಚಾತುರ

    ♪ cātura
    1. skilful, talented; quick to understand or react.
    2. pleasing to the senses; pleasant; beautiful; enticing.
  20. ಚದುರು

    ♪ caduru
    1. the ability to a) learn or understand from experience; b) acquire and retain knowledge; c) respond quickly and successfully to a new situation; capacity for reasoning; aptitude in grasping truths, facts, meanings, etc.; intelligence.
    2. a false statement with an intent to deceive another; a lie.
    3. a speech or statement that is characterised by wit; a witty statement.